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Hello, March! I’m so happy to celebrate the one year anniversary of the WWC with you this month! It’s hard to believe it’s been a year - in both ways - time has a way of feeling fleeting and lasting forever at the same time. At least it’s not one or the other. I guess that means I’m doing something right 😜 Anyway, I’m delighted to be here with you, one year into our journey together and look forward to what this next year brings ❤️

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Part Two of my runDisney Princess Half Marathon weekend series continues with the 5K recap. What a fun (and sweaty 😅) race! You can catch the early access here on Wednesday, public drop on YouTube on Thursday 🏃‍♀️
  2. I am oh-so ready to jump into some spring cleaning projects around the house with you, and as always, I’m starting in my closet. It feels like the quintessential starting point for me. First of all, because it’s an absolute mess. Also, I’m in and out of there many times a day between wardrobe changes (off with the sweaty workout clothes, on with the clean athleisure 😆) and all the laundry. My needs for the space have also shifted a bit since last year’s cleanout and I’d like to rearrange a bit. Join me on Friday for the community exclusive video as we tackle this project 🧺
  3. Our March live is coming up this week! I’m considering doing a Friday Night Live time slot if that would be of interest here. Otherwise, sometime during the day Friday or Saturday. Let me know your thoughts and then I’ll narrow it down and put up a poll with exact time/date picks later this week 💬
  4. Every month I set aside 10% of my previous month’s earnings to donate to charity. I draw from a jar of community suggestions. This month, we sent $385 to Give Kids the World, an awesome charity I am already quite familiar with as I did fundraising for them in honor of my 2023 Dopey Challenge. If you have any charities you’d like me to add to the jar, please feel free to leave a comment below or send me a message 🤍

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for being here and helping make the WWC a happy, safe, and friendly place for me to share and connect with you. It brings me more joy than I can ever adequately put into words and I want you to know how very much I appreciate each and every one of you. I’m sending you big, big hugs! Here’s to a great week and month ahead 😊

❤️, Jen



Kim Lundstrom

If you ever want a travel buddy, I’m free! Lol

Kylie FitzGerald

Late to watching these as I was sick with covid for the first time last week 😅 I absolutely love your RunDisney content (as well as everything else). I would also (most likely) subscribe to another tier! Your content brings a lot of joy and inspiration, I often listen to the lives while cleaning as I'm in Europe currently so the live lives aren't accessible time wise typically, but that's okay! 😂😅

With Wonder

Oh no, Kylie! I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather and hope you feel all better soon 💕