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I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it! 🎶 Between a 4-day weekend of fun with the kids and heading back to Orlando for the Princess Half Marathon weekend, I am all sorts of giddy 😁 How are things in your neck of the woods? Anything fun going on this week? We’ve got to lean into the joy wherever we can, you know?

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m sharing the world’s longest runDisney Q&A on my YouTube channel this week. It’s an hour and a half long 🙈 Apparently I just don’t know how to talk less, haha. Early access will be availing to you here 24 hours in advance on Wednesday morning. I’m going to do my best to put in timestamps in case that’s helpful for anyone.
  2. The closet clean-out will have to wait, unfortunately, as I didn’t manage to get that filmed in advance of the long weekend with the kiddos (but I am certainly feeling the spring cleaning itch, so there should be more of that kind of home content coming at you this spring). Instead, for Friday’s community exclusive video, I thought I’d bring you along with me on my travel day this Wednesday, vlog-style, as I head to Orlando. This is a video I’ve wanted to do for awhile, but still feel cautious about for the wider audience. Thank you in advance for being my travel vlog guinea pigs. Let’s get ready and go to Orlando together! ✈️
  3. I’m going to be very active on Instagram this week as I share in real time about the Princess events, so if you’d like to follow along, you can find me here. I will be vlogging a bit outside of the running for all of you (likely to be up next Friday). I’m super excited! Wishing all of you participating in any of the Princess events in person or virtually many magical miles and happy memories! 👑

No matter what you’re up to this week, I am wishing you all happy moments and joy wherever you can find it. Take good care, friends!

❤️, Jen




I have a pair of oofos slides and they are incredibly comfortable. Lacking on the cute but feel great on the feet! I think you mentioned them in this video but I could be wrong. I’m trying to play catch up on your videos.

With Wonder

Yes! I'm wearing mine right now 😁 Still figuring out how my feet like them, but we're only a week in 👣

Erin K

You are such a delight Jen. I love these videos so much ❤️