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Good morning, Wonderers! I am so happy to be home and back in the usual(ish) routine of things for the next couple of weeks. How are you doing? I hope your week is off to a great start! Lots to share today…

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. The LAST of my runDisney Dopey Challenge series videos will be up early access for you this Wednesday (24 hours before the public drop on YouTube on Thursday). This one features my marathon recap and overall thoughts on Dopey this year 🏃‍♀️
  2. I’m sharing my winter favorites in our community exclusive video this week. I’m also planning to a film a Day in the Life style vlog that will go up next week. And I’m itching to organize/declutter parts of my home, so I think you’ll be some of that kind of content in the coming weeks. This is the time of year I start to get really motivated to clean all the things! Anyone else? 🧹
  3. I’m hosting our monthly livestream this upcoming weekend. It will be either be Saturday or Sunday (February 11/12). Stay tuned for a poll later in the week to choose the day/time that works best for you. I can’t wait to chat again! 😊
  4. Every month I set aside 10% of my last month’s earnings to donate to charity and pick from a jar of community suggestions. This month’s charity draw is The Service Dog Project. I love learning about and supporting different charities using your suggestions. If you’d like me to add one to the jar, leave it in a comment below! 🎁

Whew, that’s everything for now! I’m excited to connect with some of you this weekend. Cheers to a great week ahead!

❤️, Jen




Almost two weeks ago my husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Wondering if we could add the Prostate Cancer Foundation to the jar. He is not in the typical demographic, so please everyone encourage males in your lives to get their PSA test annually.

Cathy H.

Oh my gosh....Service Dog Project is who I nominated!! I'm so excited it was picked. It's such a wonderful organization and so helpful to people with mobility issues. Thank you Jen for your generous donation. You are such a treasure. Love and blessings to you!!

With Wonder

Yay, Cathy! Thank you for the rec! So happy to help support such an amazing cause 🐾