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Hello, my lovely Wonderers! I hope this update finds you well and feeling good as we roll into mid-January. I'm excited to be sharing more fun content from my time in Orlando for marathon weekend with you. I'm just feeling excited in general lately. My body is somehow doing better than it was before the races and I am letting myself celebrate that for the amazing feat that it is for me. We take the wins where we can get them! And celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain 🥳

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Part 2 of my runDisney Dopey Challenge series featuring my 5K race recap is going up early access for you this Wednesday 🏃‍♀️
  2. I vlogged my non-running time between the expo and the day of the 5K for the community exclusive vlog this Friday. We go shopping at Target, get Gideon’s, and hang out at Disney Springs together 😎
  3. Our January livestream will be on Monday, January 23, sometime around midday A poll with times will go up on Sunday for you to vote on what works best for you and we’ll go with the majority. I got the memo on your requests for a weekend live and am looking to do one in February 👍
  4. Every month I set aside 10% of my monthly earnings to donate to a charity from community suggestions. This month we sent $417 to The Gentle Barn. If you’d like to suggest a charity to add to our jar, please let me know in the comments 🐮

I heard that last Friday was National Quit Day for new years resolutions and I just want to encourage you to never quit on yourself. You are worthy of your time, effort, and dedication! I’m cheering you on!

❤️, Jen




I believe I mentioned, but I received your New Year card couple weeks ago. Thank you so much for sending it. It's beautiful ♥︎


Love Gentle Barn! Great suggestion