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We’re in it now, WWC! For some of us this is a big push week as we quickly approach the holiday weekend. I made last week my big push so that I could clear my schedule now for festive togetherness with my littles, who are with me through Christmas. I’m so happy! And so tired! Haha, the both/and persists 😜 Speaking of which, don’t let anyone convince you that you can be *too blessed to be stressed* - we can be blessed AND stressed, friends. You and the breadth of your feelings and experiences are always welcome here ❤️

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Vlogmas installment three drops tomorrow (Tuesday) and the theme is the aforementioned *blessed AND stressed* - I had to cancel my fun outing plans once again, but it’s alright. We gotta roll with whatever comes at us, right? We wrap gifts and chat about all the things 🎁
  2. I spent two very festive nights in New York City recently and of course vlogged my trip. Early access will be available to you this Wednesday in advance of my public YouTube video drop on Thursday. I packed a lot into a very short time and walked the city up and down. NYC at the holidays is next level! 🎄
  3. The community exclusive video on Friday is my holiday decor tour. It’s been a couple of years since I shared what used to be an annual video for me. I’m happy to bring this tradition back to the WWC exclusively ✨
  4. Bonus video possibly dropping on Sunday (Christmas!) featuring yet another oldie but goldie - what’s in our stocking with my kids. I say “possibly” because it is dependent on whether my kids want to film it that day. They’ve very excited about it now, but I’d never push them to be on camera if they’re not feeling it in the moment, so we’ll see what the day brings. If we do decide to film and share, it will drop later in the day on Christmas 🎅🏻
  5. Friendly reminder that we have our monthly livestream coming up on Monday, December 26. I’ll post a poll probably on Saturday for time options. I’m generally looking at late morning through early afternoon, FYI 😊
  6. Just a little sneak at what the rest of the year will bring here in the community - next Tuesday (December 27) I’ll share Vlogmas installment 4 featuring some fun festiveness with my kids. I’m not sure if there will be a YouTube video next week, but I’ll let you know in Monday's update. And of course we’ll wrap up the week (and year!) with an exclusive video and I’m thinking it’s going to be a New Year’s type of chat video. I haven’t decided if I’m sharing my annual Goals & Reflections video on YouTube or not. If I do, it might be more travel-themed and not so much about personal life stuff. The WWC video will focus more on my personal goals and reflections, tho 🎉

Whew, that was a lot of updates! I hope you’re hanging in there in what I know can be a very busy time mixed with a lot of complicated emotions and situations. I am wishing you whatever moments of peace, calm, and comfort that you can glean for yourself - you absolutely deserve that and don’t let anyone (especially yourself) convince you otherwise! Take good, good care, friends. And Merry Everything!

❤️, Jen



Tammy Kozoris

Hearing your babies in the background makes me so happy! It's SUPER crunch time in the dog grooming world and I am slammed until Thursday! The 10 glorious days off I plan to spend with my adult kiddos, pets, crafting and some much needed self care. I'm looking forward to attending the live chat on the 26th too ❤️


I finished the last of my Christmas to do list today so I can “close those tabs” finally so now I just have normal work schedule and enjoy what festive things I can with our daughter as we are both chefs and work is the busiest during the holidays and everyone else getting weeks off. Happy Holidays everyone, find cheer in your day!