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Good morning, WWC! How’s everyone doing? I hope you’re hanging in there as we descend deeper into the vortex that is December 🤪 I’m trying to remind myself I’m doing the best I can and whatever works out is meant to and whatever doesn’t, well, isn’t. Yep 😉 Anyway, lots to share this week!

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Vlogmas returns tomorrow (Tuesday) with a glimpse into what family time in December looks like in my house lately. You all know I am extremely selective about what I share online regarding my kids these days, so it’s not an in-depth vlog, but more of a collection of small snippets I collected over the past couple of weeks 🎄
  2. Early access will be available to you this Wednesday in advance of my public YouTube video featuring another amazing AirBnb that was top of my bucket list. I booked it almost a year and a half ago! It was such a delight to finally get to experience it. Spoiler alert - it not only met but exceeded my expectations, even after dreaming about it for over a year!
  3. I’m filming a holiday-themed Q&A for our community exclusive video on Friday. I’m including some fun and frivolous throw-back tag-style questions (remember the tag days of yore? 😆), but would love to answer some of your questions, too. If you have a holiday question for me, please leave it as a comment to this video or you can send me a private message if you’d rather it was anonymous.
  4. The Wonderers have spoken and we’re going with December 26 for our monthly livestream. I know it’s a bit later in the month than we typically gather, but I think it will be extra lovely to connect as the December bustle starts to calm down. I’m looking at a late morning/midday time and will put up a poll a couple days ahead to narrow it down.
  5. It’s charity draw time! Each month I set aside 10% of my Patreon earnings to donate to a charity. I draw from a jar filled with community suggestions. This month, we sent $383 (plus a little extra) to the National Birth Equity Collaborative. If you’d like to leave a suggestion for a charity to add to the jar, please leave it in the comments.
  6. Speaking of charities, I wanted to share about the fundraiser I am participating in for my runDisney Dopey Challenge endeavor with Give Kids the World. This is an amazing campaign that provides magical vacations, all costs covered, to critically ill children. If you’d like to support this cause via my fundraiser for Dopey I’d be absolutely delighted! ❤️

Wishing you all moments of calm, peace, and joy wherever and however you can glean them in this especially hectic season. Sending big hugs to all!

❤️, Jen



Jenna W

My friends and I have a “Favorite Things” party every Christmas. We each bring in a favorite item for each of the guests. We try to keep the price point at $10/gift. Anyway, my holiday question for you (I suppose calling it a holiday question might be a bit of a stretch) is what would your favorite item be for the year (around $10)?

Roxanne Gregg

I recently moved near Chicago (1 hr away). What recommend experiencing on a solo day trip excluding museums? Love your content!

With Wonder

Go to the theater if you like that kind of thing! And eat good food. Chicago has plenty of amazing options for both. That's what I do 🎭 🍽️