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Hello, friends! How are you all doing? Anyone else have some surprises crop up this weekend? There’s a total lunar eclipse tomorrow and lots of wacky energy running amuck. Interesting timing for midterm elections 🤔 Anywho, I don’t mean to get all astrological on you. I just find it interesting 😜

The kids and I traveled to St. Louis to attend my nephew’s wedding over the weekend. Poor CC got hit with a surprise bug after our arrival. Fortunately, it wasn’t serious and we were still able to attend the (outdoor) ceremony. I’m so grateful we were able to witness such a beautiful celebration of this new union. Family is everything ❤️ Also super grateful that CC is a-ok now and didn’t have anything more serious. ’Tis cold and flu season (among other things) after all 🤒

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I vlogged about my first experience running a runDisney challenge virtually and will be sharing all about that on YouTube this week. Early access is available for you 24 hours in advance on Wednesday, as per usual. While I certainly missed being in person for the race, I am so grateful I was able to participate virtually and still attend the family wedding - a far more important event in my books! I’m excited to share my virtual experience with you 🏃‍♀️
  2. I’m planning to post an at home Day in the Life vlog this Friday for your exclusive community video. If you’re new here - hello and welcome! - I post one of these per month, because they tend to be favorites in the WWC.
  3. Every month, I set aside 10% of my monthly income from the community to donate to charity. I draw from a jar filled with community suggestions. This month we are sending $362 to World Central Kitchen. If you’d like to make a suggestion for a community donation, please leave a comment to this post and if it’s not already on the list, I’ll add it to the jar!
  4. I’m looking at hosting our monthly livestream hangout either this Sunday, November 13, or next Thursday, November 17. I haven’t quite decided which day is best. If you’d like to weigh in on the date, feel free. If I’m hosting this Sunday, you’ll see a poll with several time options pop up here later this week. Otherwise, the poll will go up next week for a Thursday live.
  5. Stay tuned next Monday for a very special community announcement 😁

I hope you and yours are staying healthy. Sending you all lots of love, wishes for strong immunity, and hugs!

❤️, Jen


Weekly Update November 7, 2022



I would like to put “The Marfan Foundation” in the jar😊 My mom and brother suffers from that chronic syndrome. Love from Denmark

Molly Dor

Hi Jen! I’m not sure if this qualifies as a charity, but I am a member of a 501C3 non-profit organization called P.E.O.- philanthropic educational organization- we raise funds for educational scholarships for women- undergrad and beyond. There are a number of educational projects we support, but my favorite is the International Peace Scholarship, which provides funds for International women to pursue graduate studies in the U.S. and Canada. I would be so grateful if P.E.O. Could be added to the jar! https://donations.peointernational.org/