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Hello!! Happy last week of October (😱) - seriously, where does the time go? Can’t believe it’s almost Halloween and then we’ll be right in the holiday season. Wow 🤯 I’m not ready, haha. But truly, when am I ever and everything still goes right on, you know? I could easily feel stressed by it all as that is my go-to reaction, but I’m making conscious efforts to remind myself to slow my roll. And I’m feeling much more relaxed than I probably should be but that in itself is a beautiful thing to this recovering perfectionist. So, we’ll hurtle along at breakneck speed into the holidays but I’m doing all I can to savor the moments as they come and go. This past weekend was a blur of activity but packed with so many truly beautiful memories with my little ones as we celebrated the fall season together 🍁

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I hosted my October live last week and the replay is up if you missed it. Always so, so much fun hanging with you!
  2. My planned YouTube video for this week fell through, so unfortunately there’s no early access this week. This is an unplanned break in that content, but I just didn’t get the video I had planned filmed. Friendly reminder that weekly YouTube videos are not a guaranteed part of this community, but early access to them whenever I post is. I will most definitely be back on YouTube next week and you can count on your early access to that here.
  3. That being said, your weekly community exclusive video is absolutely guaranteed as part of this community, so you can count on my showing up every Friday here. This week I’m sharing my fall favorites, one of my favorite types of throwback videos.

Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead and happy and safe Halloween festivities to all who participate 🎃

❤️, Jen


(No title)


Lori C

You got another “Happy” mug! Very pretty . Enjoy the Boo season .. next up gobble gobble then Ho Ho Ho and Happy New Year. Lordy…I think the retailers would like us to start planning for the holidays right after the bunny makes an appearance. Lol. Have a wonderful week.

With Wonder

You know they would if they could get away from it. I swear they start putting holiday stuff out a little earlier every year. I love the holidays but I want them to stay IN THE HOLIDAYS you know? 😜🎄

Michelle R

Yea gift guides!!!