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Good morning, friends! How are we all doing this week? I hope fall is treating you well so far. It’s finally hit me that I really need to kick my tushie into gear if I want to be ready for all of the runDisney fun I have planned over the next 6 months. There’s a lot of training miles stretching out before me from now until the end of the year! I’m looking forward to that journey. Any of you planning to run Wine & Dine next month? It will be my first time attempting a virtual race of that length (both the 10k and half marathon) and I’m feeling extremely unprepared. But you know I’ll jump in headfirst all the same! 😜

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Early access for you this Wednesday to my public YouTube video where I continue my time in Canada by driving to and exploring Banff. What a beautiful beyond beautiful place! I couldn’t go all the way to Canada and not squeeze in a little extra time there and I’m so glad that I did.
  2. Community exclusive video this Friday is a Day in the Life style vlog where you come along with me for a day on home turf. I try to post one of these every month. I love filming and sharing these with you - it feels like we’re actually hanging out 😊
  3. Speaking of hanging out, our monthly livestream will be this Thursday, October 20, around lunchtime. I’ll put up a poll tomorrow with a few different time options and we’ll go with the majority. I hope to see you there!

I want to send out a big heartfelt thanks to everyone who left such kind and supportive comments on my 29029 Everesting video last week. Y’all blew me away! It felt like I was experiencing that achievement on the mountain all over again. I am so grateful for your support. It truly means more to me than I could ever adequately put into words. Please know I’m always cheering you on, too! I love the WWC. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead!

❤️, Jen


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Kim Lundstrom

I just joined patreon! So glad to be here.

Kelly T

Hi! :) Were you able to successfully transfer your W&D registration to virtual? So far it seems RunDisney isn’t going to let me do the same… grrr!