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Hey there! I’m back from an absolutely fantastic, dreamy trip with my kiddos and so excited to share more about it with you. I am officially a Disney Cruise fan now! So much so that I already booked our next one and it’s sooner rather than later 😉 As fun as it was to be traveling with my littles, I am glad to be back and chatting with you again. Lots to cover this week! Let’s take a look together…

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m back on YouTube this week and you get the first look at my public video with early access on Wednesday to my experience with 29029 Everesting. This is a 36 hour ultra endurance event in which participants attempt to climb the vertical elevation gain of Mount Everest (hence the 29029 and “Everesting”) without actually going to the Himalayas to do so. This will make more sense to you in the video, but essentially I hiked up a 3.9 mile long trail with a 3900 feet elevation gain 8 times. Spoiler alert - it was really, really, really difficult. But I made it! Stay tuned for that adventure 😎
  2. As I mentioned, I am very excited to share more about my trip last week with the kids where we went on our first Disney Cruise. The exclusive community video on Friday will be very similar to how I shared about our Disney World trip last spring where I sit down and talk you through our experience including footage I took, like a hybrid chat/vlog. Spoiler alert - we had a very, very, very good time 🛳
  3. Just wanted to give you a head’s up that I’m planning on hosting our October livestream sometime next week, potentially Tuesday (10/18), Wednesday (10/19), or Thursday (10/20). I’m looking at lunch time options. I realize this won’t work for everyone but I’m trying to cover various times and days of the week over the months. I will put out a poll with more specific options either over the weekend or early next week and we’ll decide together.
  4. Every month I pick a charity from our jar of community suggestions and send 10% of my monthly Patreon earnings their way. This month we drew the National Down Syndrome Society and sent $373 for our donation. If you have a charity in mind that you’d like me to add to the jar, please let me know in the comments.

I hope you are all doing as well as possible and that you’re enjoying moments of beauty, joy, and peace this October. Take very good care, my friends.

❤️, Jen


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Don’t forget me next time 💼🧳

Michelle Rittmeyer

What planner are you using these days? I wasn’t sure if that was EC.

With Wonder

Yep - 2 EC's actually (one for life, one for content). I shared more about them here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/plan-with-me-71744654