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Happy Fall, y’all! 🍁 What are you looking forward to this season? I’ve got lots of travel planned including several solo adventures and a couple of really exciting family trips. In a few weeks, I’m hoping to start to see the changes of the season here in Chicagoland with changing leaves and cooler temps. And of course, enjoy some (read: many) pumpkin chai lattes. Yum! I’d love to hear what you are looking forward to this fall if you care to share 💛

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m continuing the Gorge series on YouTube with Part 3 coming at you for early access this Wednesday. I’m unsure if that will be the last of this series. If there’s a Part 4 it will drop here early access on Saturday. If you missed it, I posted Part 2 this past weekend.
  2. After a busy summer of travel and family fun, I’m feeling the pull back to focusing on home projects this fall. We’re diving right in with a big desk declutter this Friday for the community exclusive video. It feels SO GOOD to finally have this done and I can’t wait to tackle the next stage of my office overhaul in which I plan to pull everything together with some decorating to make the space feel truly complete.

In summer I feel like I’m outside most of the time either playing with the kids or adventuring on my own and in winter I’m hunkered down in hibernation mode. But come spring and fall I find myself nesting. Does anyone else feel like they’re more inclined to do house projects in the fall and spring seasons? I’m curious how you notice the seasons affecting you in different aspects of you life.

Regardless of what season you are in, literally or figuratively speaking, I am wishing you many moments of joy, peace, and always love. Take good care, my friends.

❤️, Jen


Weekly Update September 26, 2022


Aleena H



I'm in the philly burbs where we get to enjoy all four seasons fully :) Fall especially of course!

With Wonder

Nice! I loved living in PA during part of my childhood. Spent 7 years in the suburbs of Pittsburgh ☺️