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It was so, so lovely to connect with you all! If you missed the live and would like to watch the replay, it is available by clicking on the photo above 😎

FYI - you have to register through Crowdcast with your Patreon account to access the lives/replays).  If you're new to Crowdcast, this video is very helpful: https://youtu.be/WUfH5kMlFUM

Jump to 4:19 for a quick tutorial of how you link your Patreon account to Crowdcast and sign in.


August Live - Crowdcast

Register now for Jen Ross's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Sunday August 14, 2022 at 11:00 am CDT.


Lori C

Hi Jenn, I missed the live but am all caught up now. Lighting….. I replaced our exterior lighting a few years ago. I found a local lighting specialty store and had a consultation with a designer. She was wonderful, I ended up getting the perfect fixtures for considerably less then if I had shopped on my own. Happy shopping and decorating.

Michelle Rittmeyer

Hi Jenn, do we have to pay additional to watch the replay. I only subscribe to Patreon