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Happy Summer, friends! ☀️ The summer solstice (and longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere) is tomorrow and we are *officially* in the summer season. Ooh boy, it sure is hot around here. I’m feeling that summer energy and so looking forward to lots more fun in the sun (and water!) with my littles in the next few months.

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. We had our monthly livestream last week. So much fun! If you missed it (or any of the preceding ones), you can catch the replay on the original post. Just click on the photo and it will take you to the crowdcast site. You have to authenticate that you are a Patreon member to accommodate folks living in other time zones. I absolutely love connecting live with you!
  2. Last Friday I posted Part 1 of the dreaded garage project. I’m happy to report that I’ve made significant progress since then and might just have Part 2 up for you this Friday. I am very much looking forward to wrapping up this project for many reasons, not the least of which is how hot the garage is getting as temperatures rise 🥵
  3. This week I’m following along with the annual Week in the Life project led by Ali Edwards (my memory keeping guru and an all around awesome human). I think I will eventually share a Craft With Me video for the WWC that shows how I put together my album. I highly recommend giving this kind of project a go as it serves as a really fun time capsule of your life at any given moment. Even if you aren’t interested in doing the crafty bits, just journaling (or photo journaling) for a week of your life is a beautiful way to experience your own story. 10/10 recommend!
  4. Well…I’m not sure if I’m posting on YouTube again this week…or even next week for that matter. I’m working on other projects and gearing up for a new adventure. But also, I’m kind of in a social media funk. I am 100% confident I will return to YouTube because I am very excited to document and share my summer adventures. For now, I’m letting myself pause where/when it feels right. That being said, I have no intentions of pausing here in the community. I am so excited to share these weekly updates and the Friday community videos with you, so you know you can definitely connect with me here even when I’m quiet in other places on the internet.
  5. I spoke last week about how I am considering cutting all social media platforms out except for YouTube and Instagram (and even those I need a break from…oof, the internet is tricky). During the live last week we talked about how Patreon has its own version of temporary sharing (akin to 24 hour Instagram stories) called Lens. I put up a poll during the live and the majority of you were interested in me giving it a go despite my hesitations for all the notifications Patreon would send you if I did something like that. Well, I looked into it and have decided to hold off for now for several reasons. 1) I don’t like the interface as a user that much. We’ll see if Patreon changes that in the future. 2) I still don’t want to bombard you with Patreon notifications. And 3) I know any Lens posts I make will be illegally copied and recirculated and to be quite frank I do not have the energy to deal with the backend of that in addition to dealing with the piracy from all my other Patreon content. Sure, I could let it go (and I do let a lot go), but I’m really trying to keep this space protected as best I can and it’s a lot to manage as it is. I may change my mind in the future and of course will let you know if I do.

Whew, that felt like a lot to share this week. I hope you and yours are well. Sending you lots of love and wishes for a happy and safe summer ahead 😎

❤️, Jen


Weekly Update June 20, 2022

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I just wanna say how much I appreciate you and your courage to share your life with us! I honestly look forward to your posts. I have a lot in my plate. I had to move in with my parents to care for them. First both of my parents are deaf… my dad has Alzheimer’s and my mom has a lot of back and hip issues and she isn’t very mobile. When I look at your videos my mom will watch with me and I will interpret what you are saying. She feels your positive vibe as much as I do. We love your organization, travel, crafting and just your kind words. She just LOVES to see Winnie! I’m sorry that you have to deal with negative people. Just remember that you are cared for by many and we enjoy your posts. 🤟🏼

With Wonder

Kathy - I am sending you a big hug and so much love and support. Your folks sure are lucky to have your support ❤️


I have the most loving parents. I am quite lucky. I’m sending hugs right back!