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Good morning, Wonderers! Summer sure is speeding by. I can’t believe we’re heading into August this week 😅 I’m going to be away much more than I'm home in August, half solo and half with my kiddos. With that in mind, I’m happy I chose to stay home this past weekend instead of traveling. I actually made really good progress on my garage project and packed in a lot of training miles before I need to taper for my 29029 Everesting event in less than two weeks. It’s hard to believe it’s almost here! I’m nervous but excited (“scited”) and can’t wait to share more with you. How’s your end of July going? I’m hoping there’s some fun in the sun for you all somewhere in the mix of daily life ☀️

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  • YouTube off week - just one last reminder that I am now on an every other week posting schedule over there. I’ll be back next week with another fun Summer in California adventure to share (think north’s coast 😉).

  • While I have made significant progress in the garage, I am uncertain I will be able to wrap filming and editing in time for Friday's community exclusive video, so I’m going to film something fun we talked about a couple of months ago to post instead - a reaction style video with a Then & Now twist comparing my Walking Pharmacy from 2010 to 2024. I haven’t watched that original video since I filmed it 14 years ago so I’m very curious how, if in any ways, the contents have shifted with time 👛

  • We had two lives last Friday, one of which was a Town Hall style meeting where we discussed upcoming content stuff and a potential local meetup in December. The other was our regular style monthly live and lots of fun. Replays of both are available if you’d like to check them out. I will have a post up soon about the December meetup, too, as I need a better understanding of how many folks might come before making definitive plans. Whatever shakes out with plans, I’m looking forward to it! 💕

Wishing everyone a beautiful week ahead and sending hugs to all.

❤️, Jen




Hi Jen! I’m down for meet up in Chicago area in December 🙂


Hey Jen! This is just a side comment but I noticed that many of the older vlogs and videos that were hosted on Vimeo are no longer available for viewing (or at least for me they said the videos were no longer available). I wasn't sure if that was on purpose or if you were aware but I thought I'd mention it in case it's news to you. And if you had made an announcement about those and I missed it, I apologize! Hope you're having a great day <3

With Wonder

Oh gosh, Alex, you're right. I ended my contract with Vimeo which was very pricey and didn't think about how the videos would disappear. I don't know if I can get them back and I unfortunately do not have all of them saved on my end anymore due to a data malfunction (my fault). I'll look into it on my end and see if there's anything I can do. Thanks for the head's up!


Appreciate this is a late comment considering it was posted July ~ thank you for keeping it real Jen throughout all your vlogs. I am a #1 fan of every single travel, trekking, camping, car vlog and still enjoy the home ones yet am so in awe of how real you are. Ivé followed vloggers from Scandinavia to Oz and most vloggers are set up / staged and barely reality for clicks. Truly one of the best vloggers on YT and from where we sit it seems so easy for you ... while i'm sure you work so, so, so hard to edit and get the vids up. Thank you again..

With Wonder

I appreciate your kind words! It is my great joy to share but alas, it still requires effort 😉 Thank you for being here 💞