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Good evening, friends! Wow, that poll about our July Live was the closest I've ever seen. So...I'm actually going to host two lives tomorrow. The first, at 3 pm CT, will actually be more of a WWC Town Hall meeting with specific topic discussions around upcoming content (I've been saying I'd like your input for ages so now's the time for that) and a local meetup this December. The second at 7 pm will be our usual open ended chit chat/AMA style live. So, come to both, or just one, or just wait for the replays which will each go up directly afterwards. I'll put up links for registration tomorrow midday. We'll use our usual Crowdcast situation for both. Can't wait to connect with you tomorrow! 💕


Andrea Williams

Fun. I work tomorrow but will try and stop by to say hi!!


Since it will be the middle of the night in Europe, will they be online after? Lives are my favorite thing to watch when working out! ♥️