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Good morning, my friends! I feel like last week went by SUPER fast. Why does time always seem to speed up in summer? I now have two elementary school-aged children (kindergarten graduation for my youngest last week) 😭 We’re taking full advantage of summer break and doing all the things like practicing on our bikes, going to the pool, and checking out the ice cream museum downtown. What are your go-to at home summer activities? I’m hoping you aren’t being swarmed by cicadas, wherever you are 😜

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  • Let the DVC Member Cruise vlogs commence! We’re kicking off the 3-part series this week with embarkation and the first full day at sea. I bring you with me for every step of this adventure - from embarking at the Barcelona port to every meal, presentation, show, and all I get up to in between (plus a room tour, but of course). I’m so excited to share this journey with you! Check back Wednesday for early access to this YouTube vid 🛳️

  • Friday’s community exclusive video is a toss-up between the (at long last) Craft With Me from my Week in the Life 2023 album (thank you for your patience on this!) or my summer favorites. Whichever doesn’t go up this Friday will be up the next week - it just depends how my week unfolds to be honest. But I’m getting this album done in the next week or so no matter what! 🤪

  • We’re having our June Live this Thursday, June 13. I’ll put up a poll in the next day or two with timing options. As per usual, you vote on what works best for you and we’ll go with the majority. Can’t wait to hang out! 💕

  • We did our monthly charity draw and sent $429 (plus a bit extra) to The Flutie Foundation. If you have a charity you’d like to have added to the jar, leave a comment below 🫙 

And that’s all she wrote….for now 😉 Wishing you a beautiful week ahead!

❤️, Jen




My dad was the one in charge of teaching me how to ride a bike without the training wheels and I remember first he put me near something were I can hold on and feel the bike unstable then he walk with me holding the back of the seat and the handbar. I would suggest practicing at your backyard in the grass if possible so she is not concern about the rest of the people potencially watching. Having protection for head, hands, knees and elbows its also good idea always.

Gretchen France

My Daughter was the same way lots of fear of falling and the way she finally got it is having her coast down a small grassy hill… she’s able to put her feet down when she needs but they truly learn to handle the bike! Look it up online it really does work!


Have her try coasting on a slight decline with her feet just hovering over the ground so she can put them down if she needs to. That way she can get the balance first before worrying about pedaling at the same time.


I suggested the Flutie Foundation! They do so much for the autism community.

Dana Brooks

Maybe going to the football field track or tennis courts where it’s flat and not cement? An older child in the neighborhood maybe could help.


I have heard success with starting out with a balance bike first and then easing into a regular bike. I didn’t do that for my kids (learned with and without training wheels) but I hear a lot of parents talking about balance bikes first.


I’ll say it, there are stupid comments on YouTube! 😂 Some people’s behavior is just awful. Not everyone.


I would like to recommend the Storybookmaze as a consideration for a charity donation. Here is her IG. https://www.instagram.com/storybookmaze?igsh=enVzeGZoZ2FiMDRk

Rocchina Van Leeuwen

Please add the International Foundation for CDKL5 Research to (y)our donation jar: https://www.cdkl5.com/. Thank you :)


As for negative YOU TUBE comments: When I worked in the health care business we were told that it only took ONE unhappy person to go out and talk about their dissatisfaction and they’d tell it to everyone they ran in to. Whereas happy people rarely ever talked about their views. You can either address those who are unhappy or ignore them. My recommendation is to ignore them. They makes those nasty comments to get a rise out of you. And it looks to me like your loyal, trusted viewers are speaking up for you!!! Good luck with bike training. One day it will just click with her. 💕


Don’t let the negative comments get you Jen! We love your videos! 💕💕💕

Laura K

Hi Jen. My kids both went to a balance bike class - where they had the bikes (no pedals - they learn how to push and glide- and it’s low to the ground so they easily put feet down - but learn the balance bit) with a course set up and very patient instructors! Think they did about 6 classes? That’s here in the UK, not sure if you have the same over your way? Good luck! 😊


What an exciting milestone! Seems like yesterday she was just a baby and now she’s on a big girl bike! As someone who taught beginners bike riding for adults, my recommendation for using existing bike would be: 1) Drop the seat post as low as possible 2) Go to your nearest bike shop and have them remove the pedals, to master balance first. 3) Practice makes perfect, start out with little goals; to the sidewalk and back, and bit by bit make those goals/ rewards when accomplished. My nieces and nephews loved gummy worms as rewards. Trust the process, but eventually she’ll get it. My nephew who was terrified but wanted to also “get it” was a little more tricky, so I pretended he was the ice cream man and had him balance bike his was to me, and I paid him a dollar! 🤦🏻‍♀️ But— he got it eventually and well.. I was out $5 that day!! 😆 It’s so fun watching them be brave and at the end of the day, aren’t we all so alike these kiddos, afraid but not willing to give up?! Haha Excited to hear about the stickers, but dare I say it…??? I would LOVE A HIKING HOODIE with Carl the Croissant! 🥐 💕 haha! Just saying!! Merch! Merch! Like how do you NOT have a mug merch Missy?! Haha

Bridget Meredith

My son never got the hang of riding a bike🤣. Just wasn’t his thing. But I agree- outsource it if possible, maybe talk to your local bike shop and see if they offer lessons. Sometimes kids learn better from another adult that isn’t the parent.


Super excited for the cruise videos! I've never been on one and am quite eager to live vicariously through you.

Ashley Peek

My kiddos learned how to ride a bike in our yard. Falls are inevitable, and grass is so much more forgiving than concrete or pavement. It’s amazing to me how quickly kids pick it up once they just barely get the hang of it. And happy summer! Definitely my favorite time of the year!

Priscilla Kennedy

Bike riding tips - having a bike that is a little too small is so helpful because they can just put both feet down if they feel like they are out of control. We taught our girls how to ride bikes on a slight slope and grassed area. The grass helps as a cushion, if they do fall, plus they can't get going too fast and the slight decline on a hill allows gravity to help them just navigate getting down, without having to worry about the pedal part. Good luck, once she gets it it's a big deal.

Sarah L

I agree with the comments regarding learning how to balance before using pedals first. My 10 and 12 year old kiddos both used balance bikes from an early age, and when it was time to learn how to use a pedal bike, it took them *minutes* to master!

Kimberlee Pickens

As a healthcare worker I know all too well what just ONE nasty or mean spirited person can totally change your mood I know for a fact there are so many people that miss you over there that can’t afford to catch you here. How anyone could be mean to you is beyond me. The bugs this season is already out of control lol 😆 not looking forward to summer. I would love to buy sticker!!! Would you somehow be able to sell the keychain as well??? I would buy Carl lol. Enjoy your time with the cutiepies!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰


With our 4 kids, we started without training wheels in the grass so if they fell they wouldn't get scraped up too badly. We usually pushed them to get them going and then yelled "Pedal, pedal, pedal." For those that were more hesitant, we ran along side them and held the back of the seat to give more reassurance. Good Luck!!


So excited for Disneyland Halloween! The medal photos they released today look amazing and I can't wait 😁

Kimberly C

That’s what I was going to suggest! Balance bikes are a pretty cool concept. :)

Cathy H.

Hi Jen....I would like to recommend, fuzzyfawnwildlife.com to your donation jar. Thank you. Hugs and blessings sweet lady.

Kim Lundstrom

I was a very nervous child and didn’t really learn or feel comfortable on a bigger bike until I was 10. I do remember learning in the grass in case I fell over. My dad or brother ran beside me holding on from what I can remember. I’m so excited for her!

Kim Lundstrom

I could not agree more! I’m so glad Jen created this community. I’ve been watching her videos for years and still cant understand how people take the time to leave such comments.

Emily Lyon

When I was learning to ride my dad would adjust my training wheels slowly to their highest setting so if I rode the bike in the very center I wasn’t using them but when I got scared they would be there. Eventually I was so good at not using them my dad took them off. The key was it built up my confidence on the bike so that when I did fall (cause everyone does) after the training wheels were off I wasn’t discouraged cause I had gotten so comfortable ridding basically without trying wheels (no idea if that made sense haha)


My son used a balance bike first and then when he got on a regular bike, he took off after 5 minutes. Just a thought. Use her bike without the pedals and just get her used to gliding. Or get a balance bike but that's an extra purchase you may not want to do.

With Wonder

I'm loving all the tips about the decline. I wouldn't have thought to do that because it feels more scary somehow but you're right, a little momentum could be helpful 👍

With Wonder

Thank you for the suggestion! Looks like they do incredible work. I'm so glad we could help support ❤️

Melanie Washington

Taught my son how to ride with a balance bike. He is 8 and he was riding within one day. It allows the kids to have control with ease.


Make sure bike fits, at least 16” wheels, we popped pedals off, went to grassy hill and are working on balance with my 7 year old. Not there yet but HUGE improvement in one session


Down a slight incline (grassy!) for a bit of momentum but she can pop her feet down at any time with you running behind her?

Ann Thompson

"In two weeks, it will be the longest day in the year. Do you always plan for the longest day of the year and then miss it? I always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it." - Daisy Buchanan, The Great Gatsby :) Good luck with the bike riding...


Here in Denmark it is normal for kids to bike to school independently from around preschool/1st grade depending on the roads in the community. When bike training most parents use at “training handle” og a stick mounted on the back on the bike, and then run on the side of the bike, assisting with keeping the balances 😊


Jen...one of our grandchildren had a hard time learning to ride a bike. We bought him a balance bike that he loved and with in 6 months could ride his other bike but still rode the balance bike. They are awesome and he felt secure on it not falling.

Alli Fitz

Just saw a parent that used a towel around a child, the parent held onto it and helped the child with balancing while they road. YouTube it!

Ashley Mason

During the summer we love going to the pool and eating lots of ice cream. My daughter just turned 6 and is nervous and refuses to learn to ride a bike.. definitely need tips too

Tara Jackson

The last couple videos have had closed caption off. Would you be able to turn it back on? Thank you :)

Amy P

Hi Jen - I don't have personal experience with this just yet but I suspect next summer we will be in your shoes with the bike. I just saw a reel on Instagram, where the parents put the bike on an exercise mat and put shoes on the training wheels to make them stable. Essentially creating a "stationary" bike and then the child was able to hop on and off and get used to just being on the tires. Hope you find something to help CC. <3

Samantha Kohler

My children rode a balance bike. In Germany we call them wheel bikes, because they look like a normal bike but don’t have any pedals. The children use their feet. And by doing so they learn the most important thing, which is to trust their body’s that they can balance the bike. No support needed. And later they transition way easier into riding a regular bike. I’m not even sure stores still sell your daughters bikes because it’s so much easier this way. Best of luck 🤞💕


Nope. Don’t even start that. You are allowed to set whatever boundaries feel good and safe to you. If that means not responding to comments on public platforms that is valid. Whether temporary or public. Hugs.


Planing on trying to go to Disney to support runners and just hopefully have a park day

With Wonder

We're loving the lawn recs! We're lucky to have a great park nearby to practice at as well 👌

With Wonder

I don't - honestly - but part of that is just not engaging at all. I feel bad for not connecting with nicer folks but sometimes I need a little distance altogether from YT comments 🤷‍♀️

With Wonder

What an amazing class! My kids work with balance bikes at school but I don't think it's as focused as a specific class like yours 🚲

With Wonder

Wow - such great tips. Thank you! And that would be fun on merch but I still don't know how I feel about selling stuff 😬

With Wonder

Practicing on the grass seems to be a universal tip - I would have thought it is harder to move in grass but the softer surface makes perfect sense 👌

With Wonder

I appreciate your support. I will make my way back to comments sooner than later on YT because I really don't like to leave people hanging over there.

With Wonder

I thought 8 was on the older side to learn to ride without training wheels but I'm coming to understand that's really in the middle of the usual age. Besides, who is ever "too old" to learn to ride a bike....even at 88! 🚲

With Wonder

Interesting! That might take more coordination than I can offer as a shorter person tho 🤪

With Wonder

Lots of great tips in the comment section! We're def going to try lowering the seat and practicing on grass with a slight decline 🚲

With Wonder

Hmm...Tara I checked and they're still set as on from my end. Maybe it's a setting on yours? If not, I recommend reaching out to Crowdcast support via their chat feature. They're usually pretty good about responding and helping out. Keep me posted, please

Tara Jackson

Thanks for checking! I send them an email and will let you know what they say.


I get it— but you have an army of gal pals who adore you! So when you’re ready, it would be so neat!

Sarah Kramlik

My husband raised up the training wheels on our sons bike so they would be a little off if that makes sense. This way he would have to practice balancing but the wheels were still there so he couldn't tip.

With Wonder

Nice! We don't have training wheels on her new bike but that sounds like a great tip to share 🚲

Cynthia Lincoln

Just trying to catch up on your videos. I think its wonderful that you donate money to places like that. God bless you.