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Hi there! 👋 How are we all doing? We had a very full and fun weekend filled with socializing, park time, art fest fun, and sunshine. I hope last week brought you some peace/joy/love/comfort/joy/some combo/all of the above 💕

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  • We’re wrapping up the runDisney Springtime Surprise series on YouTube this week with another mega vlog (think mega pint style - IYKYK 😉) where I share about the 10K, fun at Disney Springs, 10-Miler, and more fun at Animal Kingdom. Check back for Wednesday for early access 🏃‍♀️

  • Well….there’s another haul 🫣 Haha, oops? I’ve bought a few things for a big trip coming up but also just some more regular stuff as well, so I’m lumping it all together in Travel/Spring Haul Pt 2 for Friday’s community exclusive video 🛍️

 I’m sending sunshine your way! Much love to all ☀️

❤️, Jen




Hey Jen regarding going to the doctor, you might want to consider having a complete thyroid panel, not just TSH which is what they do only. Complete would give you T3 and T4 and your thyroid antibodies. I have been telling my doctor for 5 years there was something a little off and every year he would say your TSH is completely normal and when I went to a different doctor turns out I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is an autoimmune against my thyroid so do not trust TSH. The range for normal is 5 to 5.0 which is gigantic there's a lot going on in the middle. Just my two cents. Nobody knows about it until you've heard. Good luck sweet

With Wonder

Thanks, Jennilyn, I appreciate you sharing your experience. I get a full panel annually for hormone balance but you’re right, it’s important to check the whole scope and most doctors won’t unless you specifically ask.


Hi Jen, just wanted to share that in my early 40's I began to experience symptoms I didn't like and needed attention. With intense research, joining (zoom) support groups, increased my self-care, worked on mind and body, detoxed my body and changed my lifestyle as a whole. My body began to heal slowly. Fast forward today I'm 54 years young and I still feel amazing. I have no menopause symptoms, no brain fog, no memory issues, no hot flashes, no fatigue etc. Thank you Jesus!! I hope that doesn't change lol. I've learned all these years that advocating for myself, trying other healthcare options and healing your own body made the biggest difference in my healing journey. It doesn't end here everyday I'm learning something new and apply it to my life. If you ever find yourself not getting all the answers look into "functional medicine doctors". They're primary focus is treating the "whole person" not just symptom. I think conventional medicine need to be open to it too. After 2020, functional medicine doctors have sky-rocketed and become more accessible. I'm happy about that. In regards to zoom calls would be nice to meet all of you. Love being here. You're going to be ok Jen if you or wonderer have any questions please email me anytime. Thank you Jen for all you do.

With Wonder

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I think we need more sharing like this between women! I appreciate your suggestions to be open to all avenues of healing. You’re absolutely right and it’s not something I’ve looked into since my fertility journey but helped to much at the time. Definitely worth looking into again! Thank you 💕