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Hellooooooo, Wonderers! Guess what? It’s gonna be MAY 🙃 (Sorry, had to 😆). I hope spring is in full bloom wherever you are. It sure is around here! So much so that I’m having that weird annual dance where I can’t decide if I’m fighting off a cold or developing allergies. Fun times, either way! 🤪 Honestly, though, I don’t mind. I’m just so grateful for the beauty of this season when everything is so green and we’re spending more time outside. I hope spring is bringing you sunshine between the showers, too 🌷

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  • No YouTube video this week, as previously discussed, but I’m hosting our May Live this Wednesday so we can hang out. Yay! I know it’s super early in the month (as in, the first day 😉) this go around, but I just can’t wait to connect! Check out the poll posting right after this update to vote on a time if you’re interesting in joining live 🤗

  • We’re kicking off the runDisney Springtime Surprise fun with a travel vlog I filmed just for you. I’ve done a few of these now where I bring you along on my travel day. I love starting a series feeling like we’re all going together from the start! Check back on Friday for this community exclusive video. Let’s go to Disney! ✨

Sending wishes for a beautiful transition from April to May and all the sunshiny vibes ☀️

❤️, Jen




I have an iphone too and thought it was mine going off. LOl


I loved a few of the items I saw, thanks to YOU! Do you have a link for you to get a little credit? ;)

With Wonder

I linked the carve jeans in my recent favorites if that’s helpful to you! I appreciate you thinking of me but just happy to spread the good word, too 👖