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Hey there! So, remember in my update video on Monday how I was only 98.9% certain I'd have a YouTube video ready for this week? Well, apparently the 11.1% of that is on the winning side of the equation this time. I really wanted to have my Joshua Tree vlog up and ready for you today, but it's just not going to happen. When I look at my YouTube posting plans for the next few months it actually makes sense to push everything off one more week anyway. So, I guess it's for the best? I'm still bummed to not have that vlog ready for you this week and I apologize that it's not happening. Stitch says he ate the footage 😜 Haha, j/k. The simple truth is I need more time with it. I hope it's worth the wait. For what it's worth, I'm half way thru the edit and it's still 80 minutes long 😱 I really did take last week off work to focus on my kids and our trip, which was absolutely wonderful. I cannot wait to share our trip recap with you on Friday! I appreciate your patience and understanding. I hope your week is going as well as possible. Thinking of you and sending big hugs! ✨



Kimberlee Pickens

Look at those smiles!!!!! 😍😍😍 Even Stitch lol 😂

Jennifer Sheridan

It will be worth it! Can’t wait to see it! Glad you had a great trip ~ love the pic!!