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Spring is in the air and I’ve got the fever! The fever to sort, that is 😜 I revisit my closet every year with a new lens for making improvements in usefulness and this year that lens is my massive (and ever expanding) Crowned Athletics collection. So practical! 😆 In all seriousness, I do love my Crowned and basically live in it, so rearranging some things to make that work better for me makes sense. This snowballed, however, into reorganizing my second closet concurrently and I am DELIGHTED with the results. I’d love to know if you’ve got your eyes on any home projects or are currently working through your spaces. Happy sorting, everyone! 🧹

(For those who might be curious - I did not, in fact procure the purple Arabian night collection things I had hoped for. They were in my cart and by the time I clicked check out they were gone. Wow, they sold out fast! Luckily I have the rest of my collection to keep me warm 😉)

* Some of the links provided are affiliate/referral links *

Some Things Mentioned:

Container Store Wooden Hangers https://bit.ly/3wVGDl3

Crowned Athletics (Save 10% with code JENROSS) https://bit.ly/3lEFRTy

* Description contains affiliate links. This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. *



Beth McDonald

No..thank you!! 😊 you’ve given me the “get up and start organizing” inspiration that I so desperately needed! Love how everything turned out 👍🏻

Anne J

Motivation to get started on some purging before I move me and kids to our chapter 2 home! 🤩