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I've uploaded a new version of the latest page for "A Better Morphizer" Alternate. "Commissioned Works" Votakwot" .

Dictatorship has a new sketched page. Let me know if you guys wanna see it or want to hold off till the page is finished first. I get conflicted sometimes on whether to upload the sketches or not for things. Some peeps prefer less spoils which I get lol. Actually just let me know if you guys just want any wips I get. Maybe I'll hold poll for it.

I've also uploaded 3 new one shot images. Hayley and Gina's(American Dad) thing might have more coming. One of them is of an alternate possession end. The others are absorption. The above can be found in "Commissioned Works" Votakwot" "One shots".  It's based on the newer episode with "Car Wash Hayley" .

I am currently working with a new artist on an sequence involving Leela and Amy from Futurama with Leela absorbing Amy. I already paid and made the script. Just waiting on them as they draw it. And we go over whatever I might wanted edited.

I also have another artist I may be working with to do a Lois, and Francine sequence involving a parasite, body invasion, and tentacle things. Nothing set yet tho other than most of the script written.

I also ended up getting a 1 image commission from an artist I considered working with. They were great and I loved their attitude with it, but as I had time to think on it and took money plus the time(They have quite a queue I'm sure lol) into account(Tho they were fast to draw it my lord. That was great.) I decided to not continue it. Maybe in the future I might try, but currently I just don't have the budget for them. However you can see the image I got under "Commissioned Works". It's only the single image so they don't currently have a gallery to link to on my site.

I ended up very busy this month and hurt my back helping people move their things. Mighta torn something. Not sure yet, but if it keeps hurting I'll go the doctor about it.  This would actually be the second time within like 2 months due to helping peeps move shit and I'm pretty sure I heard something tear that first time. People are great.

Anyways so since I didn't get as much done as I'd like let me know if you guys want me to upload the WIPs of the animations I was working on at least. Helen and Starro went on the backburner like most things, but that was only because I wanted to edit the model more for Helen. She's pretty much done I think so I could restart the animation now and get back to it, but currently I have Wips for Chel and a parasite invasion, and a commissioned animation I am working on, tho it's less animation wipppy.

I think I'm also gonna upload that Lois/Francine absorption animation to the public. I hope peeps like it. I am pretty proud of it although I didn't get to do what I would of wanted with it.  

And on a last note I really need to organize my site in some better way. If someone here wants to help me with that or has some suggestions let me know as well. 


Felix >;3c

"a Better Morphizer" looks sooo good!! I saw the previews for it months ago and i finally bit the bullet and signed up for your patreon, and its SO WORTH IT!! plus I'm loving the alt ending too. Looking forward to scouring through your entire gallery!! 😊❤️


I'm really glad to hear you liked it XD. I hope you do find other things to enjoy in the gallery and such as well!