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Sorry I was a bit silent on stuff. As usual took too long on too small of a project. I overestimate myself greatly.

The supposed "quickie" absorption animation between Lois and Francine is done. This poor thing started off so well. When I first started it, it was meant to be like...a 5 second loop thing. And woulda been done a lot sooner since I started off strong. Ended up being a tiny bit longer than that because I got overzealous I guess. My mistake. I wasted time creating and deleting scenes for it, but I think it more or less came out for the better.

The link to it is on my website under the Patreon Videos page. It should be the first link. I really need to make that website nicer somehow. And like maybe one of those animated banner things that shows the newest content that ya can just click on.

The models were incomplete, but more or less worked for the animation. I am more mad at myself for not getting better sounds bits ahead of time as I did not end up doing lip stuff properly. I did a lot of audio editing to get the sounds to sound more or less similar to each other. Hopefully that works out lol. If not by all means let me know.

I had also uploaded some pics of my attempts to get a "gooey" affect between the two characters, but unfortunately I could not make it work for animation. Those are in the misc section of pics. It just wasn't stable enough when in motion to be useable although it almost works well enough for still images if not for the destruction of the textures and loss of finer details. And other methods reached similar ends. I do think it's possible to get what I'm going for, but I just don't know the right route to go currently. I have one more method I have still yet to get around to trying, but we'll see.

I also uploaded a one shot Brownie(Votakwot's character) titfuck pic in Votakwot's gallery. Founds under "Commissioned Works" "Votakwot" "One Shots' . From the homepage. It's between her and the fusion of my characters Zaida and Genesis(temporarily called Fuse for convenience). There might be more to it later, but others projects need finishing first.

The alternate end of Summer and Tricia (Summer's Revenge) is being worked on. Should hopefully have a new page soon.

I'll post when I have the next video being worked on in mind. I still have the Judy and Lola one that I partially animated, but I'm not happy with and the Helen and Starro one which is more incomplete with two models that are obsolete. Thank you all for your patience with me and the support. 


Ovidius Naso

The new video looks great! I really like the part where Lois bends forward to re-absorb Francine and a bunch of crunch sounds are heard.