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I started out the New Year with a goal and it might already be broken! lmao.

I'm sorry peeps. The Judy and Lola animation won't be done this month. It was already looking bleak, but I also ended up getting some surgery done this month which did me in harder than I thought it would. It was 3 years later than it was supposed to be, but I finally got it lmao and boy it feels good to not be in pain anymore.Well not as much pain. Once I'm healed I'll be good tho.

I've spent the last week pretty much stuck in bed from having my gallbladder removed, but not in such a comfortable position as to be able to be on my computer for long or really at all for the first few days. Or rather at the keyboard. However, tho I'm not fully healed yet, it's gonna be a few weeks, I have healed enough to at least mostly be at my computer. While it will be rushed I want to keep to my goal, at least a bit.

As such I'll be updating the website tomorrow with some misc images and a quickie animation involving Lois having absorbed Francine. At the least I will try.I spent the last day/two trying to set up the models since I hadn't finished their conversion into the G9 model in Blender. Lois is mostly done, but Francine...well she'll hopefully get by lol.

I will also be uploading a page from Votakwot tomorrow. I would of liked to upload the full thing for a surprise, but I need to put some content up for the month.

It looks like I'm gonna have to really crunch in order to get both Judy and the Helen/Starro animation done next month so lets see if it becomes that eventful. 



You take time to heal man, my wife had her gallbladder removed a month ago, sorry to hear that you were not doing so great, but you will be back on your feet soon! Can’t wait to see what you cook up when you are feeling better


Ty for the kind words. It's my own fault. I spent about 3 years knowing it was probably my gallbladder, but being too stubborn to get rid of it despite the pain I was getting so constantly. I finally decide to get it removed and my surgery gets cancelled due to covid. Other factors end up playing a part and another 3 years later I'm finally able to get it. It was definitely affecting my life, but its gone now and that's good. Once I get things rolling for you guys I'll be able to be at ease for a bit. Sorry to hear your wife had to go through it as well, but hope she is getting as good a feeling as I am from it being gone now.