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Hai hai! Late again. but as usual working on stuff.

I've uploaded images in the patreon images misc section.
And to the "Lost Time" gallery
And I think something else...I don't remember. *Shrug* Edit: Oh right put up the separated images of the Judy and Lola thing I'm working on.

I had uploaded last month 1 or 2  pics as well, but didn't say anything cuz lazy to post. Uhhh...oh and I do have stuff for the Summer Tricia sequence, but we are currently adding an in between page and since I don't want to mix up sketches on that page I haven't uploaded the other stuff yet. I should tho since other pages past it are finished. I also made a short 1 second loop with some draft pics. Not sure if I can share that.

One of my commissions fell through this month after making me wait for about 6 months. Only to cancel it on me. Shit happens. I feel like it was a struggle, but I got the pages and a slight refund from them tho the money wasn't as much a concern as what was drawn. It is mostly incomplete, with 3 of the pages still in a "clean sketch" form. I'll be trying to finish it myself this month. I uploaded the first completed image already in the "Lost Time" gallery and might just start calling any failed commissions under the moniker.  I've already begun work on lining the second page, but it's taking a bit. Trying to make sure it stays consistent with the artist's style tho it's mostly following lines. Mostly.

Moving on last month I actually meant to upload a comic between Judy Hopps and Lola. I knew I wasn't gonna be finishing the Helen and Starro animation I've been doing in time so I figured I'd put together like a 3 image sequence with Lola and Judy. Ofc as we know, I can't help myself and making everything way longer than it need be lmao. Well that was less of the issue. It became more that since I didn't have those models I decided to use some lying around on the net. And I'm sure alone the models work fine and I'm just inexperienced in using other people's models that don't come from Daz. I've been spoiled. But yeah they've given me a lot of trouble, even with just posing. Not used to other peep's IK and the weights for the joints don't seem to all be working as they should. So had to edit them and do other boring stuff before they were working(mostly) in the scene.  Regardless I've uploaded some of the pics in non-comic form on the site.

I also uploaded a render of the Helen Starro thing in the patreon image section as well.

I might be putting out more posts this months as I upload the finished images of the unfinished commission and hopefully the rest of the Judy and Lola thing. 


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