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My computer crashed while writing this update so sadly it'll lose some of the delicious personality I had put into it for the holiday season. Nevertheless lets get down to business. 

I'm still seeing 20 users who have jumped onto my patreon/fanbox and yet have not accepted the invite to see the content. I appreciate how selfless you guys are but I think it'd be much better if you came and message me if you are missing an invite. I'll be waiting in the citadel next to Garrus. 

Moving on. I've been busy behind the scenes. Some of it personal some of it regarding comms, and the rest towards the 3d stuff. Bad news out of the way first. Odds are the Helen and Violet animation won't be finished this month. I can finish it in Daz, but I really want to do it in the new software. Unfortunately I'm still in training wheels and getting to as good picture quality as Daz while also learning the newer animation tools and physics in regards to Daz models is tough. Why does no one use human models in Cinema for tutorials regarding these things. It'd help. Weak jokes aside since odds are likely I won't be at the quality I want I will be trying to do a very quick possession sequence with Violet and Helen. The first half of the month was in regards to editing their models and textures. Nothing you guys will prob notice much of, but something that was important to the process and my state of mind. I''m having a bit of trouble with their nether regions and some of the rigging but I should be able to pull off at least the small animation so as to be able to test some physics stuff too.

As for commissions I am currently in transactions with 3 different artists. One of which is the creator of the snail girl doujin that some of you may know.I'm excited for it but also almost cancelled until the large burst of patrons last month. I had a back and forth with em and got something pre-ordered regarding that doujin. It'll probably be anywhere from 6 months to a year before that comes about. Sorry for the wait in that regard. I can do nothing for the artist's schedule.

Along those same lines I have a secret project comic in the works. Hopefully will be done by the end of the month but if not I assume it'll definitely be next month.

And finally I have added a new artist to the commissioned works page. This artist has been awesome to work with so far and I look forward to working with them further. You can see their stuff on the commissioned works page on the website. We got us some animations coming in. OOo boy XD.

Dictatorship as well as the one shot sequence with Melinda and Petunia(which will perhaps lead to other things. Don't want to spoil too much) is still being worked on. Dictatorship got a new sketch uploaded. I may be uploading some more pages from that for the public this month as well.The one shot has been fun to work on. It's really been helping me to expand how my world works and the lore. It's helped settle some issues for sure. For those who may still be waiting for access to said lore apologies. I'm a psycho and can be lazy writing things down despite having a good majority of it in my head.

I've added a few misc pages that I've shown on my discord as well as some scraps for the Helen Violet merger. Most of it is just model edit stuff and comparison to the new software. You can find that on the Helen and Violet merger page. In the scraps section.

Hmmm. Anything else? I suppose that might be it? I guess I should speak on future plans. Especially if my patreon actually manages to get to like a stable 100-150. My goal is 300 patreons but I'll take what I can get. And once I reach that ofc I'll want more. Well I think I'd have 300 patreons, just about if everyone who signed up at least once stood for the month. I'll get there one day.

Currently I'm looking to upgrade my computer again. This one I'm using was a gift, but I think I may have already pushed it past it's limits. It had one good part in it and the others...well.. But I'm glad to have it. A huge upgrade from the laptop I was using before to say the least! 

As for animations. After I finish the Helen and Violet "Closer" animation I will be going back to the Jill part 3 animation. By then I should hopefully have the map I wanted brought to me. I have a group porting it from the RE Resistance game. After that one...probably the night of the Demons animation? Or I'll finally do that Gwen and Mavis one I've shown tidbits of. I also want to finish the Lois and Francine breast vore animation. I have alot I want to do, but well I'm not talented in the art field so everything is a struggle. Especially now with the new software. Gotta work on learning them physic systems.

I could go on but this is long enough. Expect another post later this month around the usual time.

P.S. if you guys want to say anything regarding the commission stuff feel free to. I know the artists love when their work is talked about. I'll maybe hold a poll in regards to stuff this month too. Idk. Not really necessary I suppose. Thank you for the continued patronage despite my slow speed and I hope you guys continue enjoying stuff.


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