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Link to my site: Only accessible via invite. https://theliquiddungeon.wordpress.com

Edit: Now open without need for invite. Password/patronage still required. 

I think I figured out how to pin a post so hopefully this will help fix some things. 

All of my content for patreon stuff is on another, currently private, website on wordpress. It goes by The Liquid Dungeon. The only way to access it is to accept the invite sent to your email. A password is also required to traverse the site which is changed every month on the 6th. Currently there's about 26 peeps who still didn't accept the invite sent to them. I do everything manually and based on patreon's/fanbox's emails to me. So if I miss the notification or it doesn't get sent to me I might miss someone who signs up. So please let me know if this has occurred. Also I do check my email everyday for such messages so usually the invite will be sent within 24 hours.

There also seems to be an issue some have when it comes to revisiting the site. I'm not sure why that is, but I can only guess it to be from what device you accepted it from and it being a cookies thing although that doesn't always solve the issue. With that in mind please remember your account you used with wordpress for my site so that I may remove you and then re-invite you if such a thing occurs. That often solves the issue in the worse case scenario.

I hope this post solves any confusion in regards to my content and helps to sort out those who still haven't' accepted their invites. If there are any other issues I should know about please let me know.

P.S. MIlfs do a body good by Corganda/Lei is cancelled. They didn't finish what they owe me and instead chose to ignore me so the series is cancelled.