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I just found out that some people might of joined this month but haven't received an invite from me or this month's password. Please let me know if you are one of these people. You can send me your email through the patreon messages. I usually send them to who I see in my notifications via email, but patreon doesn't always tell me when someone joins it would seem.

Also this month I had planned 3 animations. That became one animation. That ended up destroying itself because I decided to use Daz for it. It was an animation inspired by Ovid's recent patreon animation. I lost a week's worth of work due to it doing I don't even know what. Like it's beyond screwed up. And the worse part is as I've been spending this week trying to fix it it's like the whole animation is just broken. It keep ignoring keyframes, and it's...I don't even. I've never had an animation literally erase or even create it's own animation while I'm working on it. It's just spazzing out worse than I've ever seen it do or I would of been had it done by this time. I'm still trying to get it done before the end of the month if I can. 

I'm cancelling Milfs do a body good. I got in contact with the artist again and almost as if they didn't realize it's almost been 4 months now they told me "they'll get to it soon" . So I'm cancelling it. Gonna wait tho and see how many times I can get the artist to say they'll get to it soon before they realize they've already said that 3 months ago.

Nothing on Dictatorship. Not sure why. Artist probably busy. I could share a preview of one of the pics from the one-shot sequence thing we were working on if some peeps don't want to wait for the whole sequence? Let me know.



I don’t know why, but it’s like your website doesn’t exist. I go on the link and all I get is “coming soon”


I see. I've gotten messages from people about this problem a few times. It's usually if you don't make an account when you first accept the link through the invite or a cookies issue. I think I have your email known. I'll delete your previous invite and send you a new one. Let me know if it works.


Just for everyone to know. The "Coming soon" thing is if viewing is as the normal public. It's a private site so usually if I guess your account isn't associated with whatever you are using to view it, it'll probably show you the public page instead of the private site.

Ovidius Naso

Sorry that animation didn't work out for you. I feel bad that you lost so much time on it. It seems this just validates your decision to ditch Daz. Maybe we can find a way to get Daz/Poser content into your new platform (Blender?)


Appreciated. There are some ways. Each one comes with it's own issues. But I have made headway in regards to bringing things into Cinema and Blender. I might have to transfer between the 3 programs, but might be able to keep most things in regards to character morphs and rigging. Well I'm still testing things out, but I have managed to get some jiggle simulation stuff to work recently with imported models. The rigging had stopped working, but aside from some weight issues things almost work. Still working on collision simulations, and soft body stuff. There's a lot of prep work in this conversion stuff to get everything to work right apparently.