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Hey guys! Super late into the month update, but an update nonetheless. Due to how late it is I wanted to make the post public just to make sure anyone who is a patron, is in consideration of returning or new patrons get the info. 

Some wips of more Dictatorship images were/are being uploaded to the website. 

Milfs do a body good should have another updated image soon. There'll also be some new content with that as well next since I noticed some inconsistencies with the Francine bit. 

Just wanted to put out there if anyone had trouble with the website to let me know. Still have around 29 peeps on the list who never accepted the invite to the site.

Onto bigger news now:

1. So first up is I guess the biggest thing and something I've been a bit nervous on doing, but well...I'm kinda hitting too many roadblocks despite it's advantages. And that's using Daz as my main software for animation use. Despite the potential it might have there are just too many bugs, and lack of features that I feel is causing me more trouble than it's worth. It's reliance on a 3rd party fluid system is weak, it's lacking in IK rigs functionality, and many other issues that make working with it a real hassle. With that said I've already decided on the new program I want to try learning and so that moves on to the 2nd bits of news.

2. The sequel Jill animation will probably be the last animation I do with Daz. I would kinda prefer to do it in the newer program, but I don't know how long it'll take for me to learn it properly tho considering my understanding of several different programs now hopefully not too long. However I will still be doing still images and such with Daz in the time being and it may still be a part of my workflow especially if a kinda cool thing I have in mind with Blender works out. If I can replicate Daz's morph system in my new program I think some really cool stuff can be made.

3. So for the last bit of news and probably the worse maybe is that the Helen and Violet animation/comic I've been making still isn't finished. I did spend a lot of this month working on it and I think I did improve it quite a bit from what you guys may have seen so far. The comic image section just has dialogue added, but the animation got some older parts cleaned up a lil. And a few more scenes. I want to try and add at as many scenes as I can before  stopping work on it although the ideal would of been to have it finished. So I plan to upload whatever I do have of the whole project on the 4th of next month on the website. I'll hopefully manage to get just a bit more done by then. Maybe at least use stills for the finish worse comes to worse. 

So again just wanted peeps know when to expect it. Even if you don't patron next month, if you did patron this month then you'll still see it on the website on 4th. I would of liked to do audio for it too, but I didn't go through yet with my plans for that.  So yeah. There's the update for all that. Hopefully none of that was vague. Until the 4th when I update things I guess. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on things. I know many of you would prefer the Jill sequel worked out and done as soon as possible. 



I'm only leaving this message because you asked us to leave our thoughts (not complaining), but personally my favorite stuff of yours is the Helen x Violet stuff and the Raven x Starfire stuff. Figured I'd let my opinion be known, not sure how many others feel the same. Keep up the good work man.


I don't see it as complaining it at all. I want the feedback.I know the things I want to do and focus on, but also knowing what peeps may want to see is information I'd like to know as well. I'm glad to hear when someone says stuff so no one should worry about me seeing it as complaining. I'm glad to hear it :) . The Raven and Starfire stuff is on hold till those models are updated, but there will be more of both pairings in the future as well. Ty.