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The Lei page got an updated image for Milfs do a body good.

The Votakwot page got 2 more WIP images of upcoming pages for Dictatorship.

The patreon images page got a bunch of random images of stuff I rendered. Mostly work on 3d models.

Helen and Violet's forced merger(Closer) got some more video previews in the January folder of the patreon videos. I know it's been a long time. Apologies. Should be done next month with the month after continuing work on the Jill animation as the main project. That is regardless of if this animation/comic set is finished there will be no more work on it after April so regardless of things New Infection part 2 will start making more progress in May, maybe April. 

In other news I am considering moving away from Daz for animations. Things started out well with it, but I keep coming across more and more problems. I'm looking to maybe try to learn how to animate in Blender or perhaps Cinema4d one day. 

In the meantime I am considering shrinking future videos screen size to lessen my render times. Making videos at 2400 x 1600 sizes takes quite a long time to render and even with shortcuts the quality gets hit a bit too hard as you'll see with the Violet and Helen animation part. The animation itself is a mess, but we'll see if I have time to go back and fix things. Regardless I hope the lil bit shown is still appetizing to some degree.

Let's see if there's anything else...I'm still working towards making models of my own. So far I've only made Manuela from Les Lascars, but it's a start. It'd help save on some expenditure since patreon's newest tax thing lessened the amount I get even more somehow. 

Let me know your thoughts regarding things. 


Ovidius Naso

2400x1600 is huge! I wouldn't go much past 1080p, most people don't have 4k monitors and can't appreciate that anyway. I've been doing most of mine at 1200x1200, which is a good compromise between landscape and profile layouts and I think a decent res.


I see. I hadn't really thought much on that. I just wanted peeps to be able to see everything, but your vids tend to work out just fine so maybe I'll use those dimensions. It'd quite literally half my render times if I did although I like the 3 x 2 ratio so maybe just something similar. Maybe 1500 or I'll go by the 1200 x 800. At least until I can one day get an even better computer. More Ram and gpu stuff heh heh.