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So I just received another reply from my vid hosting site and they officially lowered the amount of ads on my account/videos. I just tested it myself and I still get a new tabbed window ad, but otherwise the videos should be playable now without other worry. I apologize for those that would prefer no ads, but that should be much better compared to before. Let me know your thoughts and be sure to check out the video section if you haven't. I should have the finished second part of the Raven and Starfire thing soon. 

This month will probably be slow concerning commissions and such, but I'll be working on coloring another page of Milfs do a body good, and we might get another page of Dictatorship. 

I'll also be getting a Gina model from American Dad this month hopefully and there will be plans for Kim Possible and Bonnie soon after. 

I'll be trying to get out a comic sequence this month as well concerning my 3d works with perhaps some actual polish to it. That's a maybe, but we'll see what happens. 

Oh and the new password is out on the website. I could honestly use some organizing on there, but I'll be honest when I say I've been lazy about it. Perhaps I should look for an editor or something to keep things organized, but that doesn't seem fair to them. 

And lastly one more once, if you have not received your invitation or access to the website be sure to check your email for the invite or ask me for one. I have to do things manually and if you arne't accepting the invite you are missing out! I appreciate the tips, but I'd still prefer you enjoy something for it. 


Sample Text

I didnt get the message with the password


Hi just joined, can I get a back log of your stuff via email?


I sent ya the invite via email. You'll find pretty much everything on the site :) .