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So I have officially sent out invites to peeps for my free lil website. It's not much. Just a homepage and misc. gallery for patron stuff for now, but hopefully I'll get around to expanding on it lol. If for you feel you missed your invite please let me know. I had to do it all manually which took a bit. Thank you guys for your patronage. The password will get changed every month btw. Probably on the 3rd of every month a new password will be sent out. It'd be great to send the password via patron, but I'm not sure I really trust sending it out through here tho it'd be useful. Please check your emails for the invites. If there are any problems let me know! I hope something can be enjoyed of the lil bit I've put up on the site.

To reiterate you'll be able to access the site's homepage fine once you get the invite however to access the patron gallery which should be the only other page on the website you'll have to fill in the password! 


Ovidius Naso

Got it working. I was a little confused about where the password was, but I found it in the text of the wordpress invite, so all is good!


Glad it worked. And yeah sorry on that. I should of made it clearer somehow. I thought it might be an issue.

Just A Yoshi

When I clicked the invite it says that it has already been used.