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That this animation is taking forever to do. I change a single thing and suddenly the animation between the keyframes becomes super dumb.



Ovidius Naso

It's probably due to how the keys are interpreted. "Green" keys in poser (spline or blended) control the movement before and after them, it tries to blend the motion between them. I imagine that DS works the same. As an example, lets say your figure jumps up (hips go straight up), then lands (hips go straight back down), then falls to the side (hips go left and down). As soon as you add the last key (side-to-side movement), the motion of the "jumping straight up and down" will now have some side-to-side movement in it, because it's trying to blend all the keys. In poser, the answer is the "break" the spline by using the "/" button, or changing one of the keys between the 2 sections to "orange" (linear). I'm not sure how to do it in DS


That may be the reasoning behind it happening but the issue is that it's not consistent. Sometimes it'll do it and sometimes the animation can be fine for several different loads. I ended up having to delete all the arm motions I had going on and redoing them because no matter how much I tried to fix the problem via graphmate, the tcb thing and so forth the problem remained the same. Apparently, as I was reading online, it can be fixed via putting the keys to "linear" although I'm not sure how to go about that. However this does seem to be a problem that occurs even between just two frames. It also doesn't help that since I use a combination of the pose controls I have and manually movings the models, Daz doesn't register the specific pose controls I use as any kind of "key" movement so it ends up messing everything else up down the line. That's my theory anyways. I already redid a large amount of the arms movements actually simplifying it in some ways and it seems to be working at least decently. Still trying to fix some in between panels tho for other views.