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I'm very grateful for every person here, know that. I'm accepting suggestions for decorative objects, furniture, poses... I don't promise to do everything, and immediately, but I'll certainly analyze each item with love. Send suggestions in the comments of this post or by message.




My current family story I'm working on is a lesbian couple and their adopted daughter (and future child). I'd love growing up type poses.. first day of school, bedtime stories, beach days, prom pictures, etc


I'll try to think of some more examples, but basically family life, caught in the moment type stuff. (I LOVE the poses in the post below this! I'll definitely get some use out of those!)


I hate to keep throwing ideas out there, but I had a scene in mind where two of my YA sims catch their brother and his new, secret girlfriend making out.. a few poses to help play out that scene would be awesome! I love all of your poses though so I look forward to seeing whatever you come up with next (whether they have any relevance to my ideas or not! <3)