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Hey Patrons,

I haven't forgotten about you, but I certainly have neglected you and that's not good. Not only that but after months of what seems like inactivity, every single one of you has stuck with it. I owe you guys some big rewards. I haven't quite though of what yet, but I'm open to suggestions. In the mean time I'm willing to provide some bonuses to thank you guys for sticking with this, even while I moved and had minimal work going on. Thanks to collaboration with a friend we've passed yet another barrier that I'm eager to unveil.

That said, in the mean time, feel free to suggest some ideas for bonuses to say thanks for sticking with me through some rough times. You've even welcome to ask for the current source files to the v2 models to mess with until the v3 goal is met and they're rebuilt. You know how to find me.


You can also view my ridiculously long Tumblr post here where I bring back future plans, old promises, and so on:




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