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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to quickly apologise for the delays on some vids the last two days, been very ill and have barely been able to get out of bed💀 I did a Covid test and it came back negative which was surprising because I had alllllllll the symptoms for it, but yeah, not a fun 48 hours!

Luckily, I seem to be on the other end of it this morning and im only left with a cough, which is still annoying cos I don’t wanna be filming and coughing down your ears every 10 seconds, but I did pre record most of the episodes before all of this anyway so I’ll be able to upload them today!

Have a great day everyone!

- Joe


Issie Taylor

Feel better soon dude! Lemsip it up


Hope you feel better soon!


Focus on your heal man. You got this


No need to apologise your health is number one feel better soon Joe!

Nikki S

I just got over a bad cold too, hope you feel better soon!


Hope you feel better soon! Just had severe allergies so I know how you're feeling. Take all the time you need!