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Is Rory the villain?

Video: https://vimeo.com/856799863

Password: ttmdxqdgv



I think Jess has a lot of shame over everything that transpired which is why we saw what we did. I personally love Jess because he is a flawed character, which makes him interesting. Jess has a good heart but he has had a very sucky life up until this point. It's important to remember that because trauma affects people. It's important to give grace in these situations. Does that excuse the behavior? No, but giving up on them when bad behavior happens is not the answer either. It might take Jess a little longer to grow up but he will get there and we have to give him the chance to do that. As for Rory, I know some people don't like her but she is another character that is flawed. She is going to make stupid decisions. The reason I think people are harder on Rory is because the audience is doing the same thing Lorelai, Emily, Richard and everyone else does, they put her on a pedestal. They think she is the greatest kid. That is said many times in the show. The problem with this is, she will inevitably fall off that pedestal because no one can live up to that. The fall will be harder. It's important to remember that with Rory. Take off the rose colored glasses where she is concerned and see her as she is, a flawed human being who makes mistakes.


I'll say this about Jess: you're right where the show writers want you to be with his character.