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Team Lorelai!

Video: https://vimeo.com/854988261

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Nikki S

Ok so I am NOT saying Emily is abusive or bad at all. I love Emily. However my grandma is extremely verbally/emotionally abusive (a narcissistic abuser at that) and every single time I see Emily in every episode I think of my grandma every time she’s in a scene. My grandma is nicer and meaner than Emily. Emily at her best my grandma was nicer and Emily at her meanest my grandma was meaner. (I always say my grandma is the nicest person you’ll ever meet and the meanest person you’ll ever meet) SO again I don’t think Emily is abusive but she has some characteristics that actual abusers do. In this episode Emily understandably gets upset when Lorelai has enough money to now not be stuck under Emily’s thumb and emily was using that owed money as leverage to keep the girls in her life. It’s understandable to have her be scared that Lorelai wouldn’t want to continue Friday night dinners, but it is a tactic many abusers do as well to keep their victims from leaving them. My grandma held money over me and would threaten me and it was one of the big reasons why I stayed by her side. Plus I couldn’t live with myself if I let an old lady die alone. For a third time bc I don’t want anyone coming for me lol Emily is not an abuser, I’m not saying that. but she does trigger me every time this happens and I wonder if anyone else who has been abused has those same thoughts about her triggering thoughts about their abusers when they watch the show. Curious.

Kylie Fry

Emily is definitely using it as a form of control and way to keep them in her life, I agree. I think her intentions are good, at the end of the day, she wants to keep seeing them every week, but also, it needs to be their choice, otherwise the relationship will suffer long-term.

Christina Dam Simonsen

I googled..it said: how long do idiots live 😂😂 I don't know how to feel about that 😂