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I love Rebecca so much!

Video: https://vimeo.com/593327410

Password: ttmdcfbee



I feel awful for Deja this episode! (And most episodes...) She opened up to Beth, thinking that the conversation would stay between them, only for her to tell Randall. And I don't blame either Beth or Randall for the situation, because they're just not used to dealing with this sorta thing. They're a team, they tell each other everything and work together. And Deja isn't used to that, she has clearly not had an easy life, and when she tells one of them something, she wants it to stay between them. It's all very complicated on both sides. Beth and Randall just want her to be comfortable with them, but they don't have all the answers. And Deja, I think she WANTS to be comfortable with them, because I do think she can see that they're trying and I think she does like them, ya know? She's just not used to this yet. She's just struggling with settling in, and I really do like that they showed that, instead of like you said, having her be there for one episode and basically immediately be like "I love it here! I never wanna leave!" It just makes sense that she'd struggle. It really is one step forward, two steps back kinda thing. They all just have to find their footing... And the past storyline too! That was so sad! Seeing Rebecca's Mum being like that with all the kids, but especially Randall. I mean, all the things that Rebecca said about the kids, basically came true. Kate has a complex about food, Kevin basically thinks his only asset is his looks. They're kinda getting better, but it's definitely there. And Randall, he shouldn't have had to deal with that in his own home. From his Grandmother of all people! That was probably the worst way for him to find out about "polite" racism... And the look on his face when she showed up! It breaks my heart because he was so excited to see her! He's such a sweetheart, and he was excited she was there, but she just treated him like shit. Until the very end when she finally saw how great he is and took a look at his project. Rebecca and Jack were great too! Rebecca telling her Mum off because she just can't take it anymore, because she sees how she is with Randall and she is not okay with her son being treated that way. And Jack, clearing the driveway so they can get rid of her quicker. Even though he was ill, he still went out there in the freezing cold, to help his family. And I love how Kevin joins him. Kevin really looked up to his Dad, it's very evident here. He wants to be just like him, and is kinda like his little helper. Kevin and Toby. I love their friendship honestly. It's just great! And I completely see where both were coming from this episode. Kevin just doesn't wanna lose another thing he loves, he can't lose his acting career like he lost football. And Toby just wants him to follow the Doctors instructions so he doesn't mess his leg up more. They both had good points, and it's really sad... And Kate's pregnant! :)

Chase Folsom

Oh I got it nvm thanks I clicked on $15 dollar patron