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Video: https://vimeo.com/576401630

Password: ttmzswffc



Randall quitting is just perfect! Like, he works there 10 years! He never takes breaks, he gives them his all, and he basically builds the company from the ground. Then when his Dad dies, they send him pears which they know he's allergic to. Like, WTF?! Who does that?! Nothing would be better than that. All they had to do was give him a call and give him their condolences, or stop by, or even a handwritten card. But pears, that he is allergic to. That's just messed up... I think what Kevin meant by him coming to the city for Sophie is more a figure of speech that him being literal. Like, yeah he actually came for the job opportunities, but she's what he truly gained from going there. Plus, there might've been some subconscious thoughts about her when he decided to go there. Like, when he first went to see her he talked about how losing her felt like he lost an arm, and that he missed her every day. So there might've been this part of him that he didn't really notice, that drew him closer to her and Toby talking him into it is what gave him the courage to actually go talk to her and try again. I'm glad Randall has forgiven Rebecca. I completely understood his anger, and he had every right to feel that way and I wouldn't have blamed him for taking longer. But I do see her side to it too, and I understand she was just scared and we can see how sorry she is and I'm just glad he's forgiven her. More for him than her tbh. Even though I'm happy for her too, it's just probably a relief for Randall to have that off his shoulders. And I was so happy for Beth when she found the Postcard! She needed that! <333 As for Kate. She is definitely my least favourite of the three (and one of my least favourites of all the characters tbh...) but I feel so bad for her! Like, to blame yourself for anyone's death, let alone one of your parents', that must be a horrible weight to carry around. And for it to be so bad that she can't even talk about it really... And that scene with her and Randall was really good. How she broke down, thinking about Jack, and Randall went out to comfort her and she felt guilty that he was comforting her when he'd just lost William, then her apologising that he's had to go through this twice. It was a really good scene! And yeah, Sterling K Brown is a brilliant actor! He has so much range as well! This was actually the first thing I saw him in as a good guy. He's been in a couple other things I've watched as a villain (and he was phenomenal!) but this was the first time I saw him as a good guy. And he's just brilliant at it all! He does evil really well, he does good really well, all the different emotions, he's great at comedic timing. He's just all around amazing. One of the best actors I've seen for sure! (But like I've said before, all the actors on this show are amazing and really get a chance to show it too...)


ahh, i agree, kevin and sophie are cute together. i like pretty much all the couples on the show besides kate/toby. those two are so meh most of the time. beth is the BEST. she's def the character i'm almost never annoyed by, too. great reactions x