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I love Jack more and more every day!

Video: https://vimeo.com/560057892

Password: ttmfcdskf



100% so much of what Jack does is trying to be the opposite of his father - it shapes so much of who he is and he was already a great person anyway I love Rebecca in this episode, it was one of the first eps that made me love her so much and I never stopped, she’s such a great complex character. Mandy Moore plays her so well in every timeline The bit where Jack says he wishes he could freeze time makes me so sad, this show knows how to punch me in the face. Knowing Jack dies way too early is just brutal every time something like that happens. I love episodes like this that recontextualise scenes we have already seen and flesh out characters even more! This show does it so well. Ughhh I love it


They definitely had a plan for this show from the beginning, everything is so deliberate and stuff that comes up again later. The creators had a plan from beginning to end from the start, that’s what makes this show so special! Nothing is wasted and it’s so reassuring to know that they’re ending the show at season 6, even though it’s still popular and so good, because they had a plan and they’re sticking to it instead of just continuing for the sake of it.