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Video: https://vimeo.com/547932876

Password: ttmvcdsaw



I love the episode but Elena is such an idiot in this one. Can't stay put even after Damon explaining to her that she could cause them to be distracted and killed in the process. Jeremy is an absolute pain in the ass using Anna to turn him so he could be with someone else. Matt - I don't actually know what purpose he serves. Caroline can be an obnoxious twit but she deserves better than what both he and his mother dish out to her. You're right. She should just tell him she's done and walk away.


I know that Vicky for us is not a great person, but was Jeremy first love, the person he had sex with first, so she was special to him. Matt and Elena know each other for all their life. She is the closest friend Matt has, so I wouldn't blame Matt for getting emotional with her and not with Carolina that he has been with just very recently. Damon is more talk then walk, he cares, expecially for his brother, the resentment and the history they have doesn't detract from the fact that they love each other and would do any thing to protect one another. Team Dalaric is born....

Lucile Byrd

"I've known you for a few months at most and only what you've told me (which is clearly not the truth) but I trust you enough to drink my blood and know that even though you are a vampire, nothing bad can come of this..."