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I LOVE them all together!

Video: https://vimeo.com/556156884

Password: ttmfcklhg



There's a huge flaw in John's reasoning for reacting the way he did when Sam wanted to go to College... He was afraid of him being alone. Okay, that's fair. But then it would've made more sense for him to be like "Okay, you can go to College, I support you. But I need you to keep in touch with me and Dean, and you need to make sure you're safe. You don't have to be in the Hunting life if you don't want to, but at least stay safe." Because all he did was ensure that he would be alone... By telling him not to come back if he went to College, basically disowning him, he was just making him feel like he couldn't call if he needed help. He was literally the reason Sam was alone... Like, I get that in the moment he let his fear take over or whatever, but if he was so scared of him being alone, he should've grown up and been the parent in the situation and admitted he was wrong and made the effort to fix things and make sure he knew he could always call him if he needed him for anything. Idk, I just can't understand his decision to basically disown his son because he was afraid of him being alone...