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SEASON 2 + my top 10 moments from season 1!

Video: https://vimeo.com/533086428

Password: ttmvvfasw



Dan waking up at the end of the episode is hilarious for some reason😅


Usually I like Deb, but she can be just as toxic as Dan at times. Nathan was escaping his abusive Father, which she KNEW because she was escaping the same person by getting a divorce. It is not okay that she blamed Dan's heart attack on Nathan, blamed it on him getting away from the toxicity. Or that she blamed Haley for helping him. It's things like this that show why Nathan was able to get Emancipated rather than Deb getting full custody. She was allowed to be upset by the marriage, and surprised of course, and concerned by it. But she has no say in any of it as Nathan is Emancipated from her. If she wants to be in his life, all she has to do is accept that. Nathan and Haley both clearly want her in their lives, were both willing to be there for her and support her through all this stuff with Dan. All she has to do is support them with their marriage, or at least give them a chance. But she just can't accept that he's got this support system that she's not really part of. Even though she easily could be. The Nathan and Lucas stuff is amazing as always! I love them so much! Like Lucas calling Nathan to check up on how things were with Dan, and him and Haley. And the fact that on the list of reasons to stay there were all these big things, pretty damn good reasons, but on the go back list it was just Nathan (as far as we saw anyway...) and that was enough for him to go back. Also, the whole thing with Lucas telling Keith "He's your brother" to convince him to go back. Now, in relation to Dan and Keith, I understand your annoyance by it. BUT, to me, that's Lucas saying that if it were Nathan, that'd be enough for him. And that just makes me so happy! And of course Lucas being happy for Naley with their marriage. <333 Haley's parents are awesome! They're really fun and so supportive. And Lydia's line "And in the end I married you all the same. But I always loved them less for not seeing in you what I did." when talking about her parents forbidding her from marrying Jimmy, I feel like that really applies to Nathan and Deb. If she doesn't hurry the fuck up and be supportive, she's gonna lose him forever because right now, Haley is the most important person in his life. But her little rant about what could happen if they said no was hilarious. Also, I think they'd met Nathan before this. They seemed familiar with him, and he with them. So it wasn't that he asked to marry Haley the first time he met them. (Oh, and her Dad's name is literally James "Jimmy" James... Which is fun... Haha) Nathan and Haley just make me so happy. They're basically the only couple I care about on the show. Brucas, Leyton, they're all right, but I just don't really care. The whole triangle thing got old fast. Whereas Naley are just so in love and they know they're in love and don't try to lie and say otherwise, and they're so mature in their relationship and actually care for each other and support each other and work through things in a healthy way. They're most peoples favourite couple of the show. Nothing can top them. And their getting married in High School just sets them apart from all other TV Couples and I love it. It gives a new kind of storyline, ya know. Shows the struggle of that. I love it. :)