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OOF the plot thickens!

Video: https://vimeo.com/526983323

Password: ttmvasset



The thing with the Step Mum is that she was probably scared of her husband and brother in law, which would explain why she never stepped in. But Max was just a child, she should've done SOMETHING to help. Called the Police, anything. So I can feel for her in the sense that she was probably terrified, but the fact that she didn't help a literal child is not okay. Sam's visions and stuff is one of my favourite storylines of the show. I mean, Sam's my favourite character, so any storyline that focuses around him is great to me. But watching for the first time a few years ago, I was so intrigued by Sam's powers and what caused them, and everything about them. This episode is one of my favourites to see people react to, just for that moment he moves the cabinet with his mind. People often freak out at that and I love it. Haha This show is one I definitely recommend watching the Bloopers for at the end of each season. J2 are hilarious! And eventually, you should watch some Convention moments too, as the boys are just amazing. I actually went to a Convention a few years back when they were in England, it was amazing! Best experience of my life. So yeah, you should DEFINITELY watch the bloopers for this show. :)