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Regina AND Rumple backstory? Sign me up!


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Megan Linart (edited)

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2023-02-01 00:32:39 Lol why is Prince Charming cosplaying as Nathan Drake? 😅
2020-08-17 20:13:35 Lol why is Prince Charming cosplaying as Nathan Drake? 😅

Lol why is Prince Charming cosplaying as Nathan Drake? 😅

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you very much for another great reaction! I love this episode too. I have to admit, I was surprised to learn that Doctor Whale is Victor Frankenstein, and a little taken aback by it because the story of Frankenstein doesn't fit into the fairytale world. However, the more I thought about it, the more I really came to like it, because it does fit into the storybook world since Frankenstein is a classic novel, and it has been mentioned before that there are other far off lands beyond the Enchanted Forest. Plus... I also absolutely love the rivalry established through Whale/Victor Frankenstein and Gold/Rumplestiltskin... magic versus science. Absolutely fantastic! In regards to Jefferson and Regina calling Doctor Frankenstein a wizard... Science is not a power the people who live within the Enchanted Forest and other lands without magic have ever heard of before. Science... like magic is for those like Emma from our world, is unknown. And so to see someone harnessing lightening and to meet someone who claims to be able to resurrect the dead, those in the Enchanted Forest believe him to be a wizard because the power he wields is so new. And in regards to the mention of the magical slippers... Rumplestiltskin had hired Jefferson to collect the slippers known from The Wizard of Oz as Dorothy's ruby slippers, which reveals that Oz is one of the mysterious worlds that the Mad Hatter can travel to. Rumple hoped to be able to use these slippers to travel to our world to find his son, but Jefferson states that they had been taken to a new world... foreshadowing that they were stolen by someone from Oz. There are magical items, nods, and references to all kinds of fairytales, classic novels, tall tales, etc... brought into Once Upon a Time, and I absolutely love how so many stories are brought into this show in some form or another. And we get to see another new world again, known as the Land Without Color... because the world is black and white just like the old classic black and white monster movies, which I absolutely love the design of, as well as the organ music and symbolism to Frankenstein's story. And we have the lightning striking down as well. It's really brilliant! I always love seeing new worlds and kingdoms brought into this show. As for where his land is located... Rumplestiltskin tells Jefferson that he's been seeking a way to get to a land without magic... to our world so he can find his son, but there's no more magic beans or portals to our world. And Jefferson can only transport himself and others to magical worlds through his hat. This tells us that Frankenstein's world is separate from our own, just as it is separate from the Enchanted Forest as well. And while science is what Frankenstein studies and practices, magic does exist somewhat within his world as well. Just think through your classic black and white horror movie knowledge, and you will realize there's such things like werewolves, witches, sorcery, etc... This is why Jefferson is able to travel to the Land Without Color through his hat, but cannot travel to our land, that is without magic. I hope this makes sense. Now... I really love the twist in Frankenstein's story and I love the backstory between Victor, Rumplestiltskin, Regina, and Jefferson, who is finally shown as the true Mad Hatter he used to be before his life was turned upside down by Regina, and I love this side of Jefferson. He's charming, funny, and Sebastian Stan plays the Mad Hatter in this episode brilliantly! He's amazing in this episode. I also love that we learn how Jefferson and Regina meet, and how the three men worked together to manipulate Regina into making her become the Evil Queen. It's very sad, but brilliant. What a twist! As for my thoughts on why Regina becomes the Evil Queen... it's because Regina finally realizes and understands she had no reason to remain good for after she was manipulated into believing Frankenstein couldn't bring Daniel back to life. The love of her life was truly dead and because Jefferson harped so much on the fact that if Dr. Frankenstein couldn't bring back the dead, then no one could. For Regina... when the Doctor failed to revive Daniel as far as she knew, that was it. Daniel was truly dead and she no longer carried that hope that magic or science could bring him back to her. So, instead of remaining good like a part of her did for Daniel's sake, she gave into the hate and anger she felt for Snow White and her mother, and returned to Rumplestiltskin to finish her lessons no matter what path he took her down. She showed Rumple she was prepared to do whatever he asked of her, even if it means killing innocents. Just like Rumplestiltskin wanted all along. Lana Parrilla's acting in this episode is phenomenal and her scenes with Jefferson, Whale, and of course Rumplestiltskin are amazing! I feel so badly for Regina both in her past storyline with trying to bring Daniel back from the dead with Victor's help, as well as her present storyline with Whale, who actually succeeded this time, even though Daniel is revived to become more like Frankenstein's monster, and not just himself as he was, like most people would expect of him to be. Because he's in so much pain. It is so sad she had to watch Daniel die again as she kills him for a second time. And Daniel is dead now that Regina has removed the preservation spell from his body, and therefore his body is restored to as it would be had Regina not cast the spell. Nothing but dust. Very sad. But at least Regina was able to say goodbye to Daniel this time and that she loves him in order to find true closure. I also love seeing Regina go to Archie twice throughout this episode so he could help her talk through her pain. Regina's really trying to change for Henry, and I love this development in her character. And Archie is so kind to her in spite of her former reign of terror, which I also really love. Now... I really love the scenes between Henry and David too. It is very sweet for David to give his grandson a horse to take care of before he learns to ride it. Very smart of David to tell Henry that he must learn to care for it and to allow the horse to get to know him before Henry learns to ride it. And Henry is really cute with his horse too. I love how David teaches to care for his horse before he can learn to ride him. It's so important. And lastly... I absolutely love the first meeting between Hook, Emma, and Mary Margaret, along with Mulan and Aurora there too. These scenes with Hook are my favorite throughout the episode. I just love, love, love how sassy Hook is, and it's phenomenal when Emma sees right through Hook's lies, and his story is convincing even though we know exactly who he is. However, Hook finally confesses as he explains he was asked by Cora to join with Emma and Mary Margaret to find out everything he could about what they would be facing upon arriving in Storybrooke, then heroes and villain make a deal that allows for Hook to remain alive and at their side. I absolutely love the scene while Hook is tied to the tree. It's my favorite moment from this episode, especially Hook's line as he introduces himself as Captain Hook... absolutely fabulous. :) "Killian Jones. But you all may know me more by my more colorful moniker... Hook.", to which Emma retorts, "As in, Captain Hook?" Perfect! And yes... Hook is absolutely gorgeous. :) Also... I love Hook working with them now and how quickly he's prepared to change sides. That he's willing to turn his allegiance over to whoever can give him what he wants. Yep... he blabs everything because he doesn't care. He's very sly and clever. I also love his answer he gives to Emma to convince her why he wants to go with them to Storybrooke. Because it's the simple truth. He wants revenge against Rumplestiltskin for cutting off his hand, and more. Oh yeah... and in regards to why Jefferson has to come with anyone who jumps into the hat with him... It's because Jefferson serves as a guide for the hat. If you remember back to season one's episode, Hat Trick... the first time you see Jefferson inside the hat along with Regina, we see a multitude of doors surroundings them. These doors all lead to other lands with magic in which they could travel, including Wonderland like in Hat Trick, and now to Frankenstein's black and white world... a Land Without Color. Jefferson would have been needed so he could show Dr. Frankenstein which door to take. If he were to enter the world with the Doctor, then the rules of the hat would apply. The rules which state that if two people enter the world, then two must return. If one enters, then one must come back. But Jefferson only would have traveled as far as inside the hat upon returning Victor home in the end, simply to show Frankenstein which door to take to get home. At least... this is what I believe. Just my theory. I hope all this makes sense. All the scenes with Hook in them are my favorite scenes throughout this episode, but I also really enjoy Whale's overall backstory with Rumple and Jefferson too. And there's so much more to come!!! I can't wait for more!! Until next time... Thank you, Joe!