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Password: ttmbyssaq



Debbie always annoyed me but I kind of see it as, in the environment she's grown up in all girls really have to offer is sexuality. Like, Fiona is the only mum like person in her life and there is no way she can get the attention a kid needs, and she does have to often look after younger kids or Liam, she's never been great at being a kid. She sees friends getting attention because of sex, Fiona always got attention by being attractive, if you look at Mandy she repeatedly ends up in highly abusive situations and gets pretty much used by Lip because she is looking for the tiniest shred of affection from anyone. So many characters in this show have very poor understanding of consent and many are happy to encourage underrage kids to have sex- I mean Ian was sleeping with his grown adult boss when he was like 15 and noone really saw that as an issue and then when Ian got an actual boyfriend his age the boss shot him in jealousy. The relationship to sex in this show is sometimes very messed up.