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Korra's arc was much more complex than aang's and mirrors our world amazingly. Avatar was about a boy needing to become the avatar in a world that needed him with clear ww2 themes and a fight between good and evil. Korra was about the avatar needing to become human in a world that doesn't want her also pushing the aspects that today's world is more grey than it was yesterday and things are much less black and white; Being a hero is not enough anymore. Korra portrays that very well Her character arc from being sheltered all her life to making mistakes to learning from them and growing up and to understand how to fit in a world that doesn't want you is just an incredible arc that makes hers much better than aang's and probably my favourite arc after Zuko's in the franchise. Korra was flawed as a person and had to live up to a huge legacy as an avatar and has a show and while she did mistakes along her road, she managed amazingly at the end and showed great progress over the show's run to understand her inner self, what she needed to get past and finally understand the role she had in this world. It's an incrdible arc and much much more complex than aang had. For the romance korrasami ending, They couldn't show more of course because nickelodeon wouldn't allow it. But it was a breakthrough in animation history as it was the first huge lgbt moment for a main character in a kid's animation show. Korra was the stepping stone for many shows down the road that would get more freedom on tv and portray lgbt couples in kid's shows. I personally liked it a lot because it's one of the only ones that feels more subtle and actually progresses slowly for a romance in the universe. The more you watch it, the more signs you see. I didn't like Korrasami that much before but upon rewatch, it really grows on you particularly as a film student where you try to show subtext and development that is not too overt. I feel the problem with many animated shows is they don't build enough or make it too childish with many overt scenes that lead nowhere until the end.I mean korra was definitely the closest with asami and the hints were there in season 4 from the blushing to the conversations to the writing of letters only to asami. It's true that it's hard to see how you make the jump from best friends to romantic feelings but sometimes it just happens. It's just hard to fathom but they were very close, it would have seemed clearer of course if it was mako and korra that were that close. They of course couldn't show what korra was actually thinking as well. I particularly like the ending for the character of korra because it seems she is not rash and impulsive anymore compared to how she was with the love triangle, it's just an invitation to a first date and nothing more. It's like the start of a new journey and a new adventure for them as they enter a new romantic relationship, a new world and a new phase in their life. (It actually feels less unrealistic then Kataang and their final everlastic love kiss that did feel like coming out of nowhere since their last scene together was that rejection in ember's). The fact that korra and asami didn't kiss as well was because it would have felt like coming out of nowhere particularly on a first date. I liked how it really builds and feels actually more like an adult relationship, it feels very real and the end is picture perfect. Anyway that's my take. Here's a list of things that i loved and that i just cooked up to show you why korra is great and why i love it: For me what I loved: -korra being so different than aang -korra's arc -ptsd themes handled so well -amon being the most menacing villain in the franchise before the reveal -the technology mixed with bending -the world being more grey not accepting her compared to aang who was needed -the beginnings episodes with the incredible animation and ghibli feel to it -the journeys to the spirit world with tenzin or with korra and iroh -toph's return -"When we are hitting our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change" (aang) -kuvira's parralel to mao and making her cause feel just at the start. -the characters when they make mistakes, own up to them. -aang's family and how he wasn't a perfect father -Tenzin (jk simmons) -The music surpassing avatar that even ATLA fans agree on -the animation in some parts surpassing avatar -the lack of fillers -the return of the airbenders -zaheer -the red lotus team particularly ghazan -Bolin's comedy -I personally liked and found the eska bolin dynamic funny -the parallels to politics with populism, freedom, anarchy and totalitarianism. -the continuation from avatar parallels with history with mao parallels and hong kong. -metal city -the relationship between su and lin -probending is a cool sport -Tenzin's children -jinora being the true legacy of aang -the last scene and so much more... So in Conclusion: Avatar is pretty close to perfect and one of my favourite tv shows of all time while korra is a great show in it's own right. Avatar has the best supporting cast while korra has the best main character (but it takes a few seasons to see her greatness like zuko.) Avatar is a better more simpler story and very well put together while korra is more ambitious but flawed with some fantastic mature themes, villains and animation sequences. Korra might be much more flawed than avatar but compared to other animated shows or tv shows, i still like it much more than 90% of tv i watched. It's not the original show but nothing will be like it and i'm okay with that.


Yes to all this, and I should add: Avatar Wan and getting to know the story of how the Avatar came to be. Plus the beautiful art and animation style of that 2-parter. :-)

Ifrah Majeed

The Korra Turf Wars comics go deeper into Korra and Asami being a couple, they are indeed adorable as fuck. The original VOs did a live reading of the few chapters here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylU-ksQP4FE A nice watch if you ever feel like taking a look in your spare time.


Lmao they hinted at korrasami throughout season 3 now go read the comics! they carry on after the series