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Hey all, I’m sure you’ve heard the news by now that Naya Rivera has gone missing for several hours now. Just doing this post in the hopes that we can all send some positive vibes out there that she is found safely, she will be found, and she will be reunited with her son.

Out of respect for today I’ll be delaying Glee as I don’t think I could concentrate on it entirely with this going on and I hope that’s okay.

Take care everyone,

- Joe


yari mandi

Thank you Joe❤️❤️ I don't think I'm ready either to watch glee right now

C Note

First I'm hearing of this, logged onto my computer and went onto Pateron. This is really sad. She shall be found, positive vibes all round. I am glad her son is ok.




Thank you Joe, this is the right thing to do ❤️ I really hope she’s okay.


Thanks Joe ❤️❤️❤️ My heart has been breaking at the news. I think this is the best possible decision.

Juan Sanchez

I don't like national parks there's always not good stuff happening to people there. Not just presumedly drownings but I mean the 411 missing, stairs cases supernaturally appearing and disappearing, weird deaths. Her son three hours alone on that rental boat sleeping and he said they went swimming but she never got back up on the boat, she would not leave him 4 years old for three hours alone, something's scary. I hoped Vanessa from Fort Hood would be found alive but look at what that monster did to that beautiful young lady. I can only pray and have faith that something unexplained will be a reason why she was gone so long but found alive. People please do research about any body of water you partake in swimming in. Years ago those two men in new York area drowned because water seem calm on top but current just few feet underneath was like a sucking hurricane pull. My older sister and her family all almost drowned with a toddler and niece along with her and her husband because they didn't think mild rapids stream was any danger, there were dozens of other vacationers there that totally helped them to shore and saved there toddler from my brother in law's hand because he is overweight really heavy and was struggling to keep toddler above water and his feet were getting scraped under water but thank God a fitness dude was there to grab the child so my brother in law can make it to the rocks, I've been near drowning a bit myself is why I express to check the river, lake wherever before you think it's calm water. Current is stronger than you.

Jenny Lee Villanueva

Wow didn't know about Naya, hope she's found soon and well. 🙏😥


omg I didn't know.. praying for naya to be safe and back with her son.. <3


thank you joe❤️ this is so scary i hope she’s alive and that they find her very very soon so she can be reunited with her son

Jake Sullivan

I’m freaking out I only just heard the news this is so awful I am praying so hard that she is found for her son and to make sure this wonderful life isn’t cut short we’ve already lost Cory and even though he had his problems mark to but we can’t lose another, I really hope she is found alive but if not and I pray to god they do but at least find her body so the family can have closure but she’s not

Jake Sullivan

But we don’t know and let’s all pray for her 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍😢😢😢😢😢

Clay W

Completely understand, I don’t think anyone would be up for it right now, but I’m still praying that she’ll be okay.