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wait people were mad at you for calling lea out, she's a racist its just a fact and Joe has called out everyone for there shit on this show why should he treat lea any different, i actually prefer it when you call her out in episodes it brings light to the situation people shouldn't just brush past it because she's an actress or someone u like, i like lea she has an amazing voice and a good actress but what she did was wrong its as simple as that. much love joe xx


Honestly, I wouldn't call her racist, because apparently she wasn't hostile towards black people specifically. She was horrible to EVERYONE. Which let's be real, doesn't make it better and yes, she should be call for her behaviour, that's why I side with joe.


Joe, Santana did date Sam. It was just not memorable.


Just because you're a rude asshole to everyone doesn't mean you can't also be specifically racist. She used microaggressions against black people. Look up what that means. Its a form of racism


Joe you should definitely listen to kurt’s solo version of ‘Bring Him Home’ at some point, it’s one of his best songs.


Again, I wouldn't say she is racist. Even her collegues wouldn't call her that. She is horrible, rude and she SHOULD be call out for her behaviour. She SHOULD suffer the consequences. I just don't believe she is racist. I do believe she is horrible and I lost my respect for her in general.


As you suggested I have looked in the matter, but I don't think microaggression = racism. There is a difference between prejudice, discrimination and racism. Prejudice is a irrational or unjustifiable negative emotions or evaluations towards other social groups. Discrimination is an inappropriate treatment of people because of their actual or perceived group membership and may include microaggression or comments that reflect negative attitudes or beliefs about nonmajority group. Racism in the other hand refers to prejudice or discrimination based on belies about one's own racial superiority or the belief that race reflects inherent differences in attributes and capibilities. So, again, I don't think she is racist. She did, however, show discriminating behaviour.


Black mod here to let you know anti black micro aggressions come from a place of implicit anti black bias.


Omg i'm sick of this shit. Please shut up and listen to black people


Please stop giving your opinion where its not needed, black people say Lea is racist due to what she has said and done, then she is racist. Do not speak over black people period.


Who are you to decide if she is racist? If a black person says it's racist, it's racist.

Rochelle Dunlap

It's getting so you can't even comment on Glee reactions without getting attacked. Seriously thinking of just unsubscribing.


Mods defending ourselves against people who make anti-black/racist, transphobic and/or homophobic comments does not mean we're attacking. It's called being sick of oppression.

Rochelle Dunlap

It doesn't matter what the subject is, there's always someone ready to go off. You can't even mention a song without being told you are getting kicked out. And this is exactly what I'm talking about. You attacked me for making an observation. I'm out.


You don't have to tell us you're leaving and make it all dramatic

Rochelle Dunlap

And I will make sure Joe knows why.


Rochelle, I am a mod and I want to let you know that we don't give a shit if you leave. Your privileged ass feels like its being attacked meanwhile there are people being racist, transphobic, and homophobic which are really hurting peoples feelings and YOU are the one who feels attacked? When all we are trying to do is keep it a safe environment where there isn't any racism and transphobia. Grow up and shut the fuck up, good riddance.


We're his mods lol. Like, you don't think he knows about everything that goes on already???? And I was never a bitch to you. i was explaining why Mods "go off" sometimes in the comments. but you don't want to listen to us I guess


I'm sorry if I made anyone mad. I just thought it is interesting to see the difference. I wanted a healthy discussion. Since it is also a good learn opportunity. But I also see I made some people angry. I apologize. It was not my intention and I'm not trying to speak for anyone, I was just giving my opinion and didn't realize I was making others mad. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry but when multiple black people (celebrities and the fact we have multiple black mods) tell you one thing, you shouldn't really be chiming in with an opinion unless you yourself are black. Racism is not up for debate/opinion


Try to be mindful of your words in the future. Saying micro aggressions aren’t racist is extremely invalidating. Thank you for the apology.


I'm really trying to be careful with my words, which I failed. English is not my native language :) It is hard to write and make your actual point across. It is way easier in person.


hey y'all it's pretty simple. comment on the episode and keep it about that. if you're not black, don't try to debate if lea's comments towards a black person were racist or not. Don't try to tell trans people that something isn't transphobic. ect ect. it's not that difficult. Don't be a jerk.


Darren filmed his Queen performance with a 100 degree fever


I’m late to this conversation, but “discussion” over if a celebrity was a racist or not isn’t a healthy discussion at all. Racism isn’t something that can be discussed or debated. It is something that impacts real life black people, and their livelihood. If multiple black people have come out against someone, then white people need to be quiet and listen. Almost ALL her former black costars had negative things to say. That isn’t a coincidence. She was racist. End of story. Also, please refer to the post where someone went off on you about a song. I don’t remember this at all? Seriously, point it out to me. No one did. “Healthy Discussions” over characters, music and songs are fine but transphobia and racism isn’t something to be debated. These are things that are harmful for real life people, and their will to live shouldn’t be debated. Trans people have a right to live, and so do black people. Discussing the merits of someones biases is harmful to the black and trans communities. They are both bad.

Rochelle Dunlap

Nowhere in my comment did I say anything about racism or transgender people. You are exactly right, commenting on the show is what it's supposed to be about, not threats to kill people, not debates about the actors, it should be the show. It doesn't matter, y'all won. Joe will just have to do without my money because I don't want to associate with hateful people.


Did I say you did? Please show me where in my comment did I mention you. Obviously when people are defending racists people are going to get defensive. With you today, all I saw was people explaining to you why they are upset, and you saying they are attacking you and calling them a bitch. Not one person attacked you, and I definitely was not attacking you with my comment.


🙃 Joe literally doesnt want you here lol he was willing to block you for us

yari mandi

We don't want your disgusting ass here, just leave bitch. The fact that you said that we can't defend ourselves from disgusting people like you when it's about racism. Cracker stfu!


Why you so mean about brittany

Capri Zonica

They all performed sick at one point. There were no medical leaves. Dianna Agron said so. You can see Naya in the New York/ New York mash up in season 2 finale barely concealing how sick she was.