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Rumple backstory? SIGN ME UP!


Password: ttmngttgh


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much! I really love this episode a lot, especially all of the twists and turns with August possibly being Rumple's son, Baelfire... only to learn that he was only pretending to be so, so he could get his hands on the Dark One dagger. What a brilliant storyline between them! And the mystery behind who the stranger really is continues! :) I love how August's character is further developed throughout this episode, and I love the mystery still presented by him being here in Storybrooke. I love how Gold comes to be haunted by who August could be, especially when he later comes to suspect that he's quite possibly his own son, who we finally learn within the flashbacks what happened to him and how Bae and Rumple came to be split apart. I'll get back to the flashbacks in a bit. After Gold catches August snooping in the back of his office, he later speaks with Emma about finding out whether or not she trusts him. And I love Emma's smug response as she states, "I trust him more than I trust you." Most definitely smart on Emma's part. :) Next... Gold then enters August's room at Granny's Bed and Breakfast and snoops around looking for any hints of who he might be, and much to his surprise, he finds a drawing of his dagger among August's things. However, it isn't really until he talks with the Blue Fairy, who is cursed as Mother Superior in Storybrooke. And upon blackmailing her with the threat to raise her rent, Gold learns what he already began to suspect that August might be his son, as Mother Superior tells him that August was in town looking for his father and that his and his father's last parting was a difficult one. I also love the scene between Gold and Archie, when Gold comes to Archie for advice upon learning that his son might be in town. I love that this scene allows us to see a different and rare side to Gold as he comes seeking help from someone he has always seen as far beneath him. A cricket who can easily be squashed beneath his boot. I also love that Gold actually accepts Archie's advice to talk with his son and to let him know how he feels. To ask him for forgiveness. At last... Gold and August come face to face as their confrontation begins. And I love their scenes together. Again, we see a rare emotion from Gold that isn't often shown from his character because he's so evil and has shown many times already that power is what is most precious to him. And while we later learn that August isn't actually Baelfire after all upon the revelation that August was deceiving him, I love how August's story is so well acted, not just by Eion Bailey... the actor who plays him, but by his character too. Because up until August attempts to control the Dark One with the dagger, which we learn cannot be done due to there being no magic in Storybrooke since there's no magic in this world... I completely believed him just like you did too. And I absolutely love Gold's sudden turn against August when the truth comes out, and how Gold threatens August like he's about to kill him, which he most likely would have done had August not also revealed he was dying, and that his efforts have all been to try to make Emma believe in the truth about everything so she can break the curse like she's meant to do. I also love how Gold lets him live so that he can keep trying to get Emma believe, making it clear to us that Gold wants Emma to break the curse as much as August does, and as much as Henry does... all for the purpose of finding his son. Which we learn from the flashbacks that Rumplestiltskin created the dark curse and helped Regina to enact it, all for this purpose. Phenomenal!!! :) Now, onto the backstory between Rumple and Baelfire... First, I love how much Bae longs to find a way to free his father from the darkness inside of him... the curse that comes from his power. Poor Bae is miserable at home because all of the kids are too afraid to play with him because of who his father is and everyone is afraid to even speak with him because of Rumple. And we see why, since Rumple kills without hardly a reason that merits those he kills from being killed. The man for knocking Bae to the ground that causes him to skin his knee, and the mute maid who worked for Rumple and Bae because she had seen him with the dagger. Both acts of him killing them were cruel and evil. And then... Bae learns from a girl his age who was saved from fighting in the Ogre Wars by Rumplestiltskin some time earlier, that there is a very powerful being, possibly more powerful than even the Dark One himself, known as Reul Ghorm... the Scottish Gaelic term for "Blue Star", who we later learn to be the Blue Fairy, or simply Blue, as she comes down from the skies to speak with Baelfire upon hearing him call for her. I also love this scene between them, as Bae asks for help to free his father from his curse. Sadly, she doesn't have the kind of power needed to do so because the Dark One curse is beyond even her power, but instead, she gives Bae a magic bean... the last magic bean known to the fairies so that Bae can take the Dark One away from their world to another where magic doesn't exist. To where the evil of the darkness cannot harm anyone ever again. Which we also learn is somewhere here in our world, as Gold does not have magic in Storybrooke. Sadly, when Rumple realizes what's about to happen when Bae finally tells him about the magic bean and how the Blue Fairy gave him a way to open a portal to a world where they can be happy together without dark magic, Rumple freaks out and becomes too afraid to follow his own son through the portal. This whole scene is really tragic, because Rumple lets go of his son and allows him to fall through the portal. Not because Rumple wanted to lose his son, but because his fear overtook his senses and allowed him to let go of Bae's arm just enough to break free of his son's grip so that he wouldn't be pulled into the portal as well. At this point... the darkness inside of Rumple has corrupted his heart so much, that he couldn't lose his power at any cost. That's what the darkness does to all those who become the Dark One. It feeds on the darkness and fear already inside its host. And the price Rumple paid for such power, was the loss of his son and the only one person he hoped to use his power to protect. Later... Rumple then confronts Blue and he grows angry with her for giving his son the bean that took his son away from him. And this is why Rumple and Gold hates all fairies so much, as we learned back in a previous episode... Dreamy. Gold absolutely blames the fairies for taking his son away from him. There's more between them too, but the root cause for his anger towards the fairies and therefore the nuns, is because of this incident. And I love the whole backstory. So good. As for who has shown magic so far... so far the only magic we've seen is from Emma ever since she's arrived in Storybrooke, as things have slowly begun to change. First... with time moving forward again as the clock tower begins to work again shown in the Pilot, second... when the mine collapses and the crickets come back in That Still Small Voice, later... when the fireflies also return in Dreamy, and then... in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter as Emma's kiss allows for Graham to remember who he really is and everything else before Regina kills him. This is the only magic so far that exists in our world. All because of Emma and her being the Savior. As for the magic we see surrounding Graham's heart... yes, the magic that was still protecting it, allowing for Regina to still maintain her power over Graham, was still enacted, but it's because it was carried over with Regina and everyone else in the curse. Not because Regina still has her power to keep her magic over the heart enacted. Regina, nor even Gold have magic. No one actually does, including Emma except for when she makes things come about simply by her arrival and making things happen because she is the Savior. The little that's changed in Storybrooke because of her, has come from her belief in Henry and wanting to help all of those she's helped since the Pilot. Overall... a phenomenal episode. I love it so much, so thank you for your reaction for it! You have three more episodes to go for season one and I can't wait!!!! Until next time...


Lol, I feel like Joe is just upset that he wasn’t right about the reveal


I actually really like this episode, reminds me of the Ruby one. They make you think you figured it out and then pull the rug out from underneath you. Loved your reaction as always 😊


Forgot how good this episode was! I think most people thought the same as you Joe that August was Bae, I know you're salty now but trust me, season 2 will prove you will be glad you were wrong :)